Avoid Sunburn With Clarins Sunscreen

Summertime is known for the sunshine and sun tanning but is also known for the sunburns. Clarins Sunscreen offers you great protection from the sun’s harmful rays when you’re outside. Clarins Sunscreen has some cons but everything now days will have cons. I’ve been using Clarins Sunscreen for the summer months and so far I’m quite impressed.

The nice thing about Clarins Sunscreen is that it doesn’t leave your skin feeling real stiff or kind of soggy like. It feels really light and has a scent to it that doesn’t smell like sunscreen. The scent is pretty nice and it’s not a constant reminder to myself that I’m wearing it. The scent itself is not over powering and it will diminish the longer you have it on. I have been using Clarins Sunscreen all summer now and not once have I gotten any severe sunburn while using it. I’ve gotten burned a few times but that was my own fault for not applying any of the Clarins Sunscreen to those spots.

Another good thing about Clarins Sunscreen is that it offers UVA and UVB protection and comes in SPF of 10, 20, and 30. Clarins also offers sun block for kids, which is very important to have in those summer months. Clarins sunscreen for kids also comes in the same SPF as the regular sun block and you should always get an SPF of at least 15.

The only real cons to Clarins Sunscreen are that it is not recommended for any water sports or water usage. I’ve gone into the lake and it just seemed to wash off with time. It is not recommended to use Clarins Sunscreen when entering the water. Another con is that it never seemed to last 8 hours like it was suppose to. You will want to reapply it every couple of hours to ensure that you are still getting the right amount of protection from the sun’s rays.

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This is not a sunscreen that is recommended for water use for sure and not exactly the best for long periods of 4 hours or more. It still does it’s job in that time frame but just make sure you don’t forget about it later in the day or you might pay for it later. With kids it’s important to make sure they always have adequate protection from the sun so make sure if your using the Clarins Sunscreen for kids, that you reapply it later on in the day.

Bottom line is that Clarins Sunscreen has proven to be a very effective sunscreen and it does its job well. The only downers to it is that you will have to reapply it every 3 hours or so just to make sure you are getting the proper protection. This not a water sun block by any means. If you plan on going out in the sun for maybe 2 to 3 hours then I highly recommend Clarins Sunscreen.