Assorted Makeshift and Homemade Sleds

Whether you live in an area that guarantees snow every winter, or you live where it snows occasionally, you’ll be reaching for your sled at the first sign of the white precipitation. What? You don’t have a sled? And you have no money to buy a sled? Don’t panic! You might not know this but there are many things that can be turned into a sled that will give you just as much joy as the real deal. Look around the house; you just might find a makeshift sled you didn’t even know you had! One example is an ordinary piece of thick plastic. Simply cut a wide rectangle of the plastic, sit down and hold onto both sides of it, then let it fly! Instead of plastic you cut from a roll you can also use a lightweight, plastic tarp.

Of course, everyone knows that an inner tube is one of the best sleds you can have. They’re lightweight and they speed down hills and across snow like nothing else. The best inner tubes are large ones rather than something like a bicycle inner tube. If you don’t have an inner tube the next best thing can often be found in your summer pool. Kids’ inflatable rings will have you flying down the nearest slope. The inflatable rings hold only so much weight, though, so they work best for young people. For an adult try an inflatable raft for floating in the pool. Many of these have handles so you can carry them to the beach and those handles can be really convenient when you’re zipping downhill!

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While you’re out at the pool look around for pool noodles you can borrow. You know, the long, soft Styrofoam floats that kids love? If the noodles you have are really long double them up to make the sled. Fold the noodle in half and use duct tape to hold the ends together. Now do the same to the next noodle and tape it to the first. This quickie sled can hold one person or you can continue adding noodles to make it a two-seat or larger arrangement.

Don’t you hate it when the top handle gets loose and finally detaches from the trash can? Who doesn’t? But, if that’s happened to you it’s time for that lid to become a sled. Metal or plastic a trash can lid can bolt down any hill to finish first! That handle’s got to be gone, though, or the ride is uncomfortable, bumpy and slower. Bin-type containers and organizers, with the tough plastic lids, were simply made for sledding. There’s no handle on top to contend with and it’s easy to hold onto the sides of the lid. As long as they don’t crack you can take them and place them right back on their bins when you’re finished.

If a lot of you want to sled together you can’t beat an old car hood. However, it’s important that you carefully choose where you’ll sail it! Select an area that has no trees and that will allow you to slow down naturally rather than have to stop to keep from hitting something. Instead of using a hood you can also use the trunk lid.

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Can you imagine how many pieces of Styrofoam you’ve ever thrown away in your life? The hard, shaped type is packed into all sorts of things. You’ll find it in the box of a new toy or from a new appliance. If the Styrofoam is large enough for you to sit on you’ve got a sled. Some Styrofoam pieces are too thin to survive the snowy ride so choose a thick piece that’s completely flat on the bottom. If the Styrofoam is shaped on the side where you sit dig out an area with a serrated knife. Pass the knife through an old candle first and you’ll be able to cut it much easier. Sandpaper can help you sculpt the seat area in no time.

If you’ve recently bought your large pet a bed, and the old one is down in the basement, go get it! The ones with the vinyl bottom work great. The sides of the bed allow you to easily hold on and the shape of a larger pet bed is perfect for a person. Of course you’re anxious to sled but don’t yank Fido’s bed out from underneath him. The old bed is the best way to go. If the pet bed doesn’t have the vinyl bottom tape a circle of plastic to it before heading out into the snow.

Sledding is simply part of the fun of seeing a nice snowfall, isn’t it? Who doesn’t want to go out and jump on a sled and head down the nearest slope – no matter your age. Winter will soon be over and there will be no more snow for another season. So, don’t sit around pouting because you can’t go enjoy it; look around the house and find that sled you didn’t know you had!

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