Art Museum Websites for Children

Children love to make art and they love to visit museums. The internet has brought us the possibility of doing these things online without leaving home. All of the larger museums around the world have websites. These websites can be a great online source of art for your children. This article will look at some online museum websites that have created online projects for children.

Art and Museum Websites for Children: The National Gallery of Art

The National Gallery of Art has created a special online digital museum for children. It is called NGA Kids. At this website, there are many inspirational games. There is a collage maker, where kids can make works of art by dragging objects onto a blank canvas and layering them. In the game Photo Op, children can take virtual pictures and use a variety of tools to edit them and make unique art. In Still Life, kids collect and place objects into a still life painting. There is also an online game where children create a tropical jungle, based on the art of Rousseau.

Art and Museum Websites for Children: Smithsonian Kids

Smithsonian Kids is aimed at older children. It has projects that are based on art, history, science, and more. Children can watch a virtual triceratops walk, learn how to build a sod house, and learn how to be a collector. There are other features, like how to read satellite photos, how to make a light bulb, and a Viking board game. It is a wonderful website that incorporates art and science.

Art and Museum Websites for Children: The Brooklyn Children’s Museum

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This is a great art website for children who can read. The main page shows works of art, and children can click on them to read more about each piece. There is a drawing tool that opens that allows the children to draw their own version of the piece of art, and they can submit it to the museum when they are done. Under the page on exhibits, the children can explore the exhibits that are on display at the museum, including trash art, musical instruments, real and fake animals, and Native American artifacts.

Art and Museum Websites for Children: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art has several online games for children. There is a hippo named William that can be used to teach children about color. There are several games that are based on famous artists, such as Degas and his dancers, Cezanne and his apples, and how van Gogh made his mark. This site will be most enjoyed by school age children.

If you are interested in finding more museums and art websites for children, just search the internet. Or, if there is a museum that you have enjoyed in the past, see if they have a website. Almost every museum does these days, and they all love to provide creative online activities for children.
