‘Arrow’: Which Green Arrow trick arrows would work on TV?

During a recent trip to a comic book store, I overheard two Green Arrow fans arguing over a possible aspect of the character which could be incorporated into “Arrow” on The CW. Which trick arrows should the TV version of the Green Arrow be allowed to use? This is an interesting question which needs to be looked at with the perspective of the show.

The trick arrows in the comics
Queen, in the comics, is a very inventive man who has almost unlimited resources to fund the part of his quest that compels him to create trick arrows to help him in any type of situation. He has had the ability to create arrows which can double as fire extinguishers, create sonic booms, or release handcuffs upon contact. On the show, the character will still have a large bank account, but the creators are not releasing how inventive the Green Arrow will be on TV.

The direction of “Arrow”
Fans of the Green Arrow eagerly anticipate about what types of trick arrows their favored superhero will use in each issue. The creators of “Arrow” have stressed how they want to make the show based in a realistic reality without magic or superhuman powers. Queen will have to leave the arrows which defy the laws of science out of his quiver when appearing on TV. Since Superman will not be appearing on the show, he could leave the kryptonite arrow at home as well.

Likely types of arrows he could invent
The Green Arrow’s diamond-tipped arrow would be very expensive to make but it would be realistic since it does not defy scientific laws. The harpoon arrow could also make an appearance since it is simply an arrow connected to a rope or string. The stunner arrow, the explosive arrow, and even an electrically-charged arrow would not be out of the question for a person who has access to scientific schematics.

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The big one
Since the creators of “Arrow” want to keep the show serious, fans should not expect to see the boxing glove arrow. The character has been joked about for years for having unlimited funds and extensive scientific knowledge and wasting it on an arrow with a boxing glove attached to it. It would not be surprising, though, if the writers decided to give a nod to the Green Arrow’s infamous slapstick projectile with an aside or inside joke only fans of the comics would understand.

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