Are Your Dog’s Chew Toys Safe?

You know the way your dog will tear into those new chew toys. The question is which dog toys are safe and which can be harmful to your dog or new puppy.

The first safety check is to make sure small parts that can be chewed off the toy are not small, harmful items that can be swallowed. Some dog chew toys are made to be chewed and swallowed; these are usually rawhide, bones, or teeth cleaning treats. Be sure to check the ingredients before giving them to your dog.

When buying artificial chew toys choose hard nylon or knots of thick rope instead of rubber. These cannot be easily torn apart and swallowed. If strand of the rope are torn off and swallowed they will simply be passed through the digestive system.

Chew toys made of hard, durable rubber designed specifically for wear and tear by dogs are fun for dogs to play with. The key is to check the rubber. Make sure the item is durable. You can find a chew tor at the dollar store, but it isn’t likely to last a day. Spend a little more money on a chew toy from your local pet store and you will have a safe product that will not wear out. In the long run, you will save money because you will not have to continue to buy a cheap rubber play toy over and over. Cheap rubber that is torn apart can be easily swallowed. This can cause an obstruction in your dogs digestive system.

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You may think it is a special treat to give your dog cooked bones, but resist the urge. Cooked bones shatter and splinter into hundreds of tiny, sharp particles. There are two dangers with this. One, your dog could choke on the particles, and two, these pieces may harm your dog’s digestive tract without your even knowing it.

It’s probably common sense, if you have owned a dog for any length of time but avoid foam balls and stuff plush toys. Foam will be shred to pieces causes a huge mess, but more importantly the pieces can be swallowed by your dog. Plush toy will be torn apart faster than you can say, “Bob’s your uncle.” Watch especially for pieces that can causing choking or obstruction, just as you would for your children.

Chewing is a natural part of a puppy’s life and dogs continue to chew throughout life. Providing safe chew toys may benefit your dog’s health and prevent him or her from swallowing something that could prove life threatening if it becomes lodged in their intestine. Most often, the only solution for this is emergency surgery.

Save your dog and yourself the pain and hassle by paying careful attention to puppy chew toys to ensure they are safe for your dog.