Are You Thinking of Adopting a Jack Russell Terrier?

My family and I live with 3 Jack Russell Terriers. Moose is the male and he is a full male no surgery involved. His wife’s name is Rosey and she has had 7 litters of puppies over the years. Moose and Rosey are no spring chickens, Moose is 7 and Rosey is 6. Our third Jack Russell Terrier is one of their offspring, a little girl named Angel. What’s so odd about Angel is that, Moose and Rosey are both short hair Jack Russell Terriers and Angel is all hairy, she even has fuzzy toes. So there is some speculation about Rosey’s whereabouts. Rosey has about one fuzzy puppy in every litter so we are sure Angel is Moose’s little girl it’s just that somewhere along the lines Rosey must have some long hair in her to make a long haired Jack Russell Terrier in every litter. Rosey is retired now even though she is opposed to the idea because she really loves her puppies but we started to worry about her health.

Jack Russell Terriers are very loving and they love to cuddle up with their people in a nice warm spot and watch television. Angel loves animal shows and she watches them very intensely so much so that I worry about her watching too much television. She loves dog shows and I would like to enter her in one but I don’t know enough about entering a dog show to do it. Besides she is very shy and doesn’t like to be around anyone she doesn’t know and I think she would have to do that at a dog show. Rosey on the other hand loves people and jumps on every stranger she is giving the chance to jump on; she also jumps on furniture, cars, and other dogs. Rosey is a fearless Jack Russell Terrier and nothing scares her. Moose is the most well rounded Jack Russell Terrier we have even though he can be cranky at times he is the one who is the most logical.

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Most Jack Russell Terrier are like Rosey all full of energy and showing that fact all the time. When Rosey is in a room full of people she feels it is her obligation to jump on each and every lap in the room, it is her way of being friendly and saying hi. Sometimes I wish she didn’t have to be so friendly. Moose is the protector who checks everyone out to make sure they are acceptable to be near his people, after he checks them out he disappears and you don’t see him till those people leave. Then there is Angel who barks at those strange people like they are going to try to steal her television set.

I find the most irritating thing about Jack Russell Terriers is that they positively must sleep in your bed with you. I have a bad habit when I sleep, I like room. Jack Russell Terriers don’t want you to have any room so they take as much room as they can out of the middle of the bed. I have tried buying them their own beds but that just isn’t good enough for them. So every night we have bed wars with the Jack Russell Terriers. I guess you can say we are pushovers for Jack Russell Terrier to live with but I prefer to say that they are pushy.

This is a special times of year for Jack Russell Terriers. They really love Christmas and look forward to their own little present on Christmas day. So we always make sure they all have their own little present to open like a nice rawhide bone.

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Jack Russell Terriers all have different personalities just like people and they are such joyful little dogs, if you can handle the energy level that they can emit I highly recommend adopting one in your family. Remember all dogs need attention and love and so do people.