Are Runner Ducks a Good Choice for the Garden?

If you have runner ducks in your garden, you already know what a hoot they can be. It’s so much fun watching them run around tilting their heads to see what you are up to. If you are like me, you could sit for hours watching them. I put a bench in my garden just for me and my family to sit and relax. I can’t think of a nicer way to end the day than relaxing there and watching my funny ducks.

Runner ducks are slenderly built making them, a good choice in the garden. They run instead of waddling. Their bodies are narrower than the average duck making them glide between plants instead of knocking them over. They are also tall. Standing up tall is a plus also. They can reach bugs other ducks wish they could reach. There is a trick to getting them to eat more bugs. Hold back on duck feed for one day, this makes their foraging instinct kick in high gear. Be sure they have clean bucket of water however. They need clean water on a daily basis. A little shade for them is nice too, mine love the grape arbor, then like to forage under it in the middle of the day. Ducks love grapes, they will keep the fallen grapes off the ground, minimizing excessive bees, letting you get to your fruit without incident.

They will provide you with free and excellent fertilizer. Its easily utilized by your plants. You won’t even know it’s there except your plants will grow bigger and better than ever. Let’s face it, fertilizer prices have soared in recent years, making it almost not worth it financially to grow a garden. These ducks are your answer! You can use the sludge from the bottom of the bio filter to make excellent fertilizer tea. Pond water is good for your plants too, since ducks don’t pick and choose where to use the bathroom.

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Spraying for bugs will be a thing of the past, although squash bugs find a way to outsmart the ducks. Still they are fewer than in years past. Indian Runners are bred for foraging. They naturally prefer bugs over feed. These ducks won’t normally eat your plants, although they do like strawberries, and I’m told, tomatoes. As a precaution, I blocked them from my strawberries when they were in season and I placed chicken wire around my tomatoes just in case.

You will never be lonely again with Runners in your garden. Mine follow me every where I go and I do get around. When I turn around, to go back they run real fast to get out of the way, quacking as they go. As I am weeding they come and eat bugs near where I am, remember, I’m their mommy. I talk to them, they quack back, it’s a nice relationship. I think, they think, they are outsmarting me by not letting me get a hold of them. They are so amusing, I could comment on this benefit for hours.

I have an electric fence, on top of my metal wire fence, to keep my tom cat out of the garden. He saw a meal early on and needless to say I was relieved he got the message with a zap. Stubborn as he was, he ended up needing that zap three times to finally changed his mind on duck for dinner. However, the kittens squeeze through the small squares of the fence but are only amused by the ducks. At this time they are no threat and it’s possible they could become friends. Smart as these ducks are , they keep their distance from the kittens. Soon the kittens will be too big to squeeze in and that’s a good thing I think. Again more amusement!

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If you have solid pathways in your garden like I do, there is always standing water after it rains. This is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, and we have our share where I live, no need for more. Runner’s and their foraging instinct, makes them go clean up after the rain. They drink the water and eat the bugs that are attracted by it. This lessens my work also. No more sweeping after a rain to keep the mosquito population down.

If you have a decorative pond as many do these days, you can put that out for the ducks instead of it just sitting somewhere among the flowers. With a very good pump system and bio filter, and the ducks eating the bugs off the surface, you can enjoy a pond like this without too much worry. It’s an alternative to the normal fish ponds we build in our gardens for pleasure. Again, put a chair or bench nearby to watch them swim and bathe. All they need is a ramp to get in. Although they can’t fly away, they can fly out if need to. When I get on the side of the pond that has their ramp and they want to get out, my ducks will fly out the other side. I am always shocked by this. They have very large and beautiful wings.

I hope you see the benefits of having Indian Runner ducks in your garden. They have saved me money and time, and have been great fun for me and my family!

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Atlanta Page,”Why choose runner ducks over other breeds?”Associated Content.
Atlanta Page,”How to Raise Indian Runner ducks from duckling to adult.”Associated Content.
Atlanta Page,”Caring for your full size Runner duck.”Associated Content.

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