Are Pathological Tests Necessary?

With the rising cost of medical facilities it is usual to think of pathological tests as an unnecessary expense. Is that so? Not at all! The pathological tests are like a magic mirror, which give a clue to treating doctor about diagnosis as well as about the efficacy of treatment.

The human body is a large, extremely refined and well coordinated machine. As per directives of its super computer-The Brain, its multiple specialized organs continue working quietly and efficiently. There are multiple ongoing metabolic activities within the body, which involve a lot of principles of physics and chemistry besides biology. Common Pathological tests assess the end products and by products of these reactions. With the help of microscopic tools they also correlate the changes in shape and size of various cells and tissue of the body. All this gives the treating doctor a peep inside the body.

Probably the commonest test to be ordered is a blood test. Such an order also details what specifically is to be looked for e.g. blood sugar, blood urea etc. Sometimes a wound takes a long time to heal. It could be due to a disease like Diabetes. By doing a blood sugar test one can establish the diagnosis of Diabetes and carry on its further treatment preventing more damage. Many examples can be given here to show how pathological tests solve these puzzles.

Some common investigations performed in blood are:

Sugar : for Diabetes

Urea : for kidney disorders

Creatinine : for kidney disorders

Protein (albumin, globulin) : for liver and nutrition related diseases

Bilirubin : for diseases of liver

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S.G.O.T., S.G.P.T. : for diseases of liver

Alkaline phosphatase : for diseases of liver

Calcium, Phosphorus : For diseases of nutrition and bones

Male & female hormones : Infertility, tumours

Thyroid hormones : for detection of Goitre

Blood is also examined under a microscope by smearing it on a glass slide and staining it. This tells about a variety of illnesses ranging from anaemia to infections (bacterial, viral) and infestations like malaria.

Urine is also very frequently examined and gives lots of information about what’s going on within the body. Urine is of extreme importance for excretion of toxic body wastes. By doing its physical and biochemical examination a pathologist can diagnose liver or kidney disorders like jaundice and glomerulonephritis. Infections of urinary tract can be detected by looking for pus cells in urine on microscopic examination.

A similar investigation in faecal or stool sample can indicate towards presence of worms, which is a common problem in India considering the poor state of water supply, sanitation and civic sense. A stool test can also point out various other disorders like ulcerative colitis, steatorrhoea and even cancers.

Cytology is a very frequently used investigative tool. It utilises an ordinary fine needle and syringe to suck out a few cells from within the tumours. They are then examined under the microscope. This, many a times, saves the patient a costly and painful operation and at the same time establishes a diagnosis. If a surgery is performed then the tissue removed is studied with the help of Histopathology or the biopsy examination, as called commonly.

In special circumstances special specimens and samples are obtained and examined e.g. CSF or cerebrospinal fluid (liquid found within the vertebral column), fluid from within the eye etc.

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The science of pathology is mother of all medical specialties. It not only helps in making a diagnosis but also leads to proper treatment and it’s monitoring and hence not at all an unnecessary expense.