Archstone Studio City: A Personal Attack

Archstone Studio City has been the bane of my existence these last three years. Archstone are a management company which runs a bunch of high end apartment rental communities in areas all over the country. Archstone Studio City was a place my wife and I called home in Studio City California. Since 2007 Archstone Studio City has been haunting me with an amount due which is unwarranted.

My wife and I moved into Archstone Studio City in 2007 with the hopes of her becoming a world-famous actress. Unfortunately for us we moved into Archstone Studio City right around the time of the 2007 and 2008 Writers Guild of America strike. This strike ostensibly shut down much of the operations in Los Angeles, California and my wife was unable to find much acting work at all. In fact it got so bad that I was not even able to find any work as a number of local businesses and operations were shuttering their doors. It’s tough when the biggest money maker for an area shuts down; people stop spending money!

I found work in New York City by complete happenstance; a place I’d applied to months earlier had called me in for an interview to take over the full-time position as their night auditor at a Chinatown hotel. When I told them that I was now living in Southern California they were bit dismayed however I said that if they could guarantee me the job I would talk to my wife about relocating. The next several days were a blur but basically what happened was I put an ad up on Craigslist for taking over our lease, got somebody to take over the rental agreement on our apartment, got Archstone Studio City to waive their policy citing extenuating circumstances and let me out of my lease, got the potential renter in to fill a credit report and get approved, and had him sign a lease. Unfortunately what Archstone Studio City did to me was very duplicitous; they had me and my wife sign this lease as well as insurance in case this guy split town. I had thought it was a little circumspect but I was so glad to be leaving that my more sensical self left the building.

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This was a studio apartment approximately some 300 square feet. Comfortable for myself and my wife but not untenable because we have lived in a small space before. However adding a third stranger to this mix was not something that we were at all interested in; and the folks at Archstone Studio City were well aware of this. They knew that I did know this gentleman and they knew that he was taking over the lease in our absence. However they still did what they did and when fate stepped in and dealt a cruel blow (with this guy skipping town) Archstone have been hounding me for rent monies owed for the last three years.

I just got off the phone with the collection agency hired by Archstone Studio City today; just before I wrote this article.

I have been fighting this money claim against my wife and myself the last three years and they continue to send a collection agency after me. I have spoken to the manager of Archstone Studio City; Tony Perkins (phone number 818-761-8376), I have written a letter, I have written the collection agency letter disputing this fact and still they hound me.

When will Archstone Studio City get off their rump, investigate this matter, and drop this claim so that my wife and I can be left alone? It is only a matter of time it seems and I am willing to wait as long as it takes.
