Aquamarine – the Birthstone of March

What is aquamarine?

Aquamarine is a transparent, pale blue-green form of the stone called beryl, and is closely related to emerald. The color is produced by the presence of ferrous iron. Its name is from the Latin for water (aqua) and sea (marina), meaning water of the sea, which is obviously due to its color. The colors range from almost clear to a darker hued blue. The darker colors are typically more present in larger stones, since small stones don’t display color as well due to the way light refracts in the stone. It is the traditional birthstone for March. Aquamarine has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which makes it ideal for jewelry, as it is not prone to being overly delicate. It is also Colorado’s official state gem.

Where is aquamarine mined?

Aquamarine is mined in Brazil, Russia, Sri Lanka, the United States, and several countries in Africa. Madagascar is said to produce the finest quality gems. They are sometimes heated to make their color more prominent, but the more highly valued gems do not need to be.

What should one look for when buying aquamarine?

Fortunately, aquamarine is flattering to most skin tones. First, you’ll want to decide what sort of jewelry you want. Earrings, a ring, that’s up to you. Then, choose one that you like the color of! It doesn’t matter what’s more valuable, it matters that you like what you’ll be wearing (or that the person you’re buying for will, anyway). Often, yellow gold will make the color of the stone look washed out, so you may want to take a look at white gold jewelry. Once you’ve chosen something, then you can haggle with the seller and see what you can do about getting a great price for your latest jewelry purchase. While aquamarine is not as expensive as sapphire, ruby, or emerald, it’s also a more expensive stone then peridot, some topazes, and amethyst.

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How should aquamarine be cared for?

Aquamarine isn’t a terribly sensitive gemstone, but use either jewelry cleaner or a mild dish detergent in warm water to clean it. Soak for no more than 10 minutes, and if needed use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub it a bit. For rings, try to get under the stone to make it looks its best. Bringing your jewelry regularly to a jeweler to be checked and professionally cleaned is a good idea as well. Most stores will do this for you for free.

What sort of mythology surrounds aquamarine?

Most of the legends and myths surrounding aquamarine are centered on the sea. It’s said to be a mermaid’s treasure, and to be imbued with the power to keep sailors safe at sea. It was also said to be calming, protect from sea sickness, and to grow in power when submersed in water.