Applying Mascara: Tips and Tricks

Do you suffer from thick, clumpy or spider-like eyelashes? Well, the reason behind these unwanted effects is sometimes not the type of mascara that you are using, but how you are applying it. Learning how to apply mascara correctly is quite simple. With a few tricks of the trade, you will be on your way to doll-like, thick and beautiful lashes.

Tricks and Tips on Applying Mascara

Applying Mascara Properly. Mascara will be very easy for you to apply correctly after learning the three step process.

Step One: Wiggle the mascara wand left to right at the base of your eyelashes. To get the illusion of long lashes, place the mascara at the roots, not the tips.

Step Two: Pull the wand through your eyelashes, wiggling as you go. The wiggling is very important. This is what separates the lashes and helps to lengthen.

Step Three: The final step is to close the eye and put the mascara wand on top of the lashes at the base and pull through the lashes in order to remove any clumps.

How to Keep the Lashes From Clumping. Having thick clumps in the eyelashes are very common and happen to many people who apply mascara. Fortunately, there is a solution to rid you of those clumps.

Of course, there are lash combs but they can be difficult to use. If you are interested in using the lash combs that many make up artists use to separate lashes, simply apply the mascara at the lash base. Wiggle the lash comb through the tips of the lashes.

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If you want to skip the lash comb, there is another way to get rid of clumps. This can be done by removing excess mascara from the wand. Wipe the wand on a tissue. This will eliminate any clumps before you even start apply the mascara.

Consider Using a Spoolie. A spoolie is a disposable mascara wand. These can come in handy when you are looking for a fresh, clean mascara look. You can also reuse your old mascara wands. Just clean them in some eye makeup remover, then wash them with soap and water. Keeping your mascara wand clean can really help to benefit the look of your mascara.

Mix Your Mascaras. Many makeup artists use this trick to make the eyelashes pop. Mixing one coat of lengthening mascara, followed by a coat of thickening mascara can make the eyelashes long and thick. It’s truly the best of both worlds. Remove the excess mascara with a clean wand.

Use a Mascara Primer. Primers are great to coat the lashes and separating them before apply the mascara. Many makeup artists swear by the primer to make the lashes turn out great and look great longer.

Use the 5 Second Rule. No, we’re not talking about eating food off the floor. Wait 5 seconds before blinking after applying the mascara. This way, you are not smudging the mascara onto your eyelids or underneath your eyes.

Don’t Pump the Wand. Pumping the wand in and out of the mascara tube will not help to make your lashes look better. In fact, the only thing that this action does is to force air into the mascara tube, causing it to dry out faster.

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Only Apply to the Upper Lashes. If you want your eyes to look wider, apply the mascara to the bottom lashes too. If you have a hard time applying the mascara to the bottom lashes, place a tissue underneath your eye in case you make a mistake.

Use the tips and tricks above to get great looking eyelashes. Mascara can be easy to use and apply if you know what you’re doing. Using the tips listed above, you will be on your way to those movie star, long lashes.