Apple Cider Vinegar Uses: Could This Really Melt Cholesterol in Your Arteries?

I grew up suffering from sinuses never knowing that it was an allergy to dairy until I was well into my 40’s.

I discovered in the late 80’s what I call my “Allergy Reliever” when I happened by chance on this health food store and saw the book about the benefits of organic apple cider vinegar* and that was my education and path to an alternative remedy to some allergies and detoxing.

I learned that apple cider vinegar is a little known but ancient holistic remedy. Only the organic apple cider vinegar has what the holistic community calls “the Mother”, which, upon first introduction, doesn’t look or sound very appetizing. But what comprises this apple by product, is amazing! Over 50 amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and a basic acidic level that is antibacterial and anti-fungal and gives the immune system an incredible boost unlike anything else.

You might also be surprised to learn apple cider vinegar (organic, unfiltered not processed or pasteurized) was used in ancient times not only for health reasons, but also as a cleaning solution to fighting (or getting rid of) bacteria, germs, odors, and even stains and spots!

Its’ an emulsifier (liquefier of fats) of cholesterol, fat, mucus, arterial and joint deposits that can cause serious health problems. I have taken and maintained it for years and stopped getting colds or flu. Until I happened to be working the front desk of a hotel and the staff, one by one, came down with this aggressive flu outbreak. I was the last healthy person manning the front desk by myself when I finally got it. But what were my symptoms after being on this maintenance program for years?

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A headache and a sore throat! And those symptoms only lasted a couple of days.

It has an impressive list of benefits to those with an open mind seeking alternative solutions:

Helps promote a healthy heart and lungs
Maintains healthy skin
Strengthens and supports the immune system
Slows down the aging process
Helps to not only detox the body but helps to keep arteries cleared and strong.

This is only a sampling of the many benefits that organic apple cider vinegar is known for. Look thru any good search engine and you may come up with more.

My suggestion is to first try apple cider vinegar. Shop for it at any good health food store or organic market. The label for organic is quite different than the regular processed vinegar. Only look in outlets offering organic and holistic products, fruit and vegetables. When you read the label, look for words like, “Raw”, “Unpasteurized”, “cold-processed” but the most obvious is the cloudy dark mass at the bottom, called “The Mother”. Always shake it well before consuming.**

Also, be aware that there are different ways to get used to taking apple cider vinegar on a regular basis (especially if you start to make excuses, etc. not to).

There is one method that brings to mind a ‘hot toddy’ and the taste can be somewhat similar. If you have difficulty getting used to the taste try this first!

Because of the delicate nature of the enzymes, etc. it must not be placed in hot water. I always mix the hot water and sweetener first. Let it cool to tepid then add the vinegar. I would suggest two teaspoons at first.

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Now your choice of sweeteners should only be natural or organic. Honey, fructose, blackstrap molasses (takes a bit of getting used to but loaded with iron, potassium, etc.) or stevia. I would steer clear of artificial sweeteners with this. Add vinegar equal to the sweetener. Stir well!

Now as with any new or alternative form of detoxification or cleansing you should check with your doctor. Some people may not be able to tolerate the regular ingestion of apple cider vinegar if they have pre-existing symptoms of illness that contraindicate its use (any history of bulimia, stomach ulcers, etc.)

One last thing, do the research, before you blow off this article. Try it out for yourself.

More and more, organic apple cider vinegar is coming into its own with a history going back centuries. Even on the old sailing ships a barrel of vinegar was believed to prevent the onslaught of scurvy and served as a cleaning aid, etc. during long trips.
And, if you have concerns about the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar harming your teeth enamel, don’t be. Just take these precautions:

1. Never drink it straight! Always diluted.
2. If you insist on straight try drinking thru a straw.

Enjoy your new path to wellness.
