Apple Cider Vinegar – a Modern Remedy

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is one of the oldest folk remedies and useful in treating a wide variety of ailments. Just some of conditions ACV helps cure include allergies, depression, anxiety, hair loss, head aches, high blood pressure, acne and over-eating. It is cheap and available at most food stores, but certain brands are recommended over others. The best Apple Cider Vinegar is organic and includes the mother, which is the sediment at the bottom of the container. The most popular is Braggs.

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

The best way to begin taking Apple Cider Vinegar is 2 teaspoons diluted in 8 oz of water. The initial taste can be quite strong, but over time, one actually starts to enjoy the taste (similar to coffee or alcohol). This should repeated three times a day and it’s recommended to be taken with meals so that it does not upset your stomach. Some people recommend using a straw when drinking the mixture as Apple Cider Vinegar can be corrosive over time to the enamel on the teeth. It is also recommended that one brushes their teeth after consuming ACV for the same reason. A word of caution; the first couple weeks of taking Apple Cider Vinegar will result in more frequent trips to the restroom. Often times, people report slightly upset stomachs. This is a result of detoxification and the Apple Cider Vinegar cleansing the system.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to taking Apple Cider Vinegar. It can curb appetite, allow for weight loss, lower high blood pressure as well as help cure a variety of skin diseases and allergies. For a natural remedy, consider including Apple Cider Vinegar to your daily routine.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Cures. Earth