Animal….Muppets….Crazy Stuff….Animal: Facts About Everyone’s Favorite Muppet Drummer

Animal is one of the most well known characters ever associated with Jim Henson. While many people claim to be Animal fans, there is very little that most people know about him, or it.

Woman Chaser and Influence

Animal is sometimes referred to as, “The little skirt chaser.” He was actually influenced by someone that was known by Jim Henson who would get drunk and chase after women. Animal’s famous way of saying, “Woomaaan!” was actually influenced by this real life person. That person was the drummer for the group The Who, Keith Moon.

Frank Oz, the performer of Animal stated that Animal could be summed up in five words. He stated that Animal was, “Sex, sleep, food, drums, and pain.” This made for an interesting concept for a children’s character.

Favorite Music


Animal’s Family

There is only one member of Animal’s family that has ever been spoken of. Animal’s mother’s name is LaVerne, and also plays the drums. It is figured that playing the drums must be a family trait.


Animal started playing the drums in 1971. His personal idol was Buddy Rich who he was able to play the drums with in the middle of the Muppet Show run.

He joined the group, Electric Mayhem (the Muppet Show band) a few years after starting to play the drums. He is the most well known, and popular member of the group.


Animal was the mascot for the U.S. snowboarding team in the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan. Animal was happy for this, but did not appreciate the cold.

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What is He?

It has never been released if Animal is a person, or a thing. There has been much speculation, but most of the Muppets would rather not know.

Mental Disorder?

In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, many groups that were pushing for the rights of people with mental disorders suggested that the character most likely had some kind of learning disorder. It was debated for a long time if Animal was autistic, or if he had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Jim Henson never officially addressed these questions.

When Animal made an appearance on the show Extreme Home Makeover, it was suggested that Animal had ADD. This has also never been confirmed as official.

Animal will be considered to be one of the most colorful characters from the Muppets for years. Now, the next time Animal is brought up, you can let your friends know how much you know about the crazy whatever he is.
