An Overview of Feline Eye Infections

Many pet owners make the mistake of purchasing an animal without understanding exactly what their role in this creature’s life will really consist of – or should consist of. Unknowing pet owners often assume that animals rarely get sick, and that veterinary visits are simply a waste of money.

Paying attention to the behavior, appearance, and overall health of all pets on a daily basis is absolutely necessary in catching any sort of illness or condition as soon as it displays outward signs. Many seemingly minor infections, such as eye infections, are misunderstood and not immediately treated, which may lead to numerous health complications and even blindness.

Caused by the exposure to viral, bacterial, and fungal infectious agents, eye infections in felines are not quite as rare as some pet owners may believe. Both indoor and outdoor cats are at risk of developing these dangerous infections on a daily basis.

The most common symptoms of an eye infections in cats include redness in the eye, extreme watering of the eye, squinting of the affected eye, discharge, inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, closure of the eye, dilated pupil, changes in behavior (appetite, sleep habits, mood), and pupils that do not respond to light. It is important to remember that each specific type of infection or condition generally presents with unique symptoms. Pet owners should note all symptoms, no matter how minor, and speak with a veterinary immediately.

Medication and veterinary treatment of feline eye infections depend greatly upon the exact type of infection the cat is suffering from. Viral infections are treated with topical antibiotic ointments or topical anti-viral ointments. Bacterial eye infections are treated with topical anti-bacterial ointments. Fungal eye infections are typically treated by oral anti-fungal medications.

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Prevention of eye infections in felines is generally based solely upon the amount of proper care that the animal receives from its owner and veterinarian. Early immunization and keeping up to date on all booster shots is an excellent source of prevention, as this greatly reduces the chances of a cat developing ongoing or chronic eye problems. Gently cleaning all eye discharge from the cat’s face on a daily basis is also important, as this exposed discharge often collects bacteria which will may its way into the eye. Should a feline have excessive hair growth around its eyes, the hair should be kept trimmed away from the eyes. Special precautions should be taken when using any sort of chemical solution around felines (such as household cleaners), as these may irritate the eye.

Feline eye infections should never be taken lightly. Owners are strongly advised against attempting to treat the infection themselves or waiting to see exactly what sort of issues develop. It is recommended to seek veterinary care as soon as any noticeable eye symptoms develop. When left untreated, eye infections in cats can cause serious complications, eye damage, blindness, and even death.
