An Immigrant’s Adjustment to American Life

America is a dream of almost all people in the world. Many would like to come and live here because they want to experience the American way of living. They heard about the good life that America has to offer to everyone who comes and this impression overwhelmed their hearts’ desire to migrate for greener pasture. They have no idea of how challenging is the life of new immigrants adjusting to many different things in a strange land very different from what they used to have.

Adjustment to Culture

Most immigrants said, they experienced culture shocked in their first few months in United Sates. They had a hard time adjusting to cultural differences.
If an immigrant used to spend time with friends and neighbors when he was in his country, it will be a different thing for him in America. Most people here are very private besides, they are too busy. They have no time to spend talking to neighbors. If someone is new to the place, he would feel like a total stranger because neighbors won’t say anything except hi or hello. No one will come and make friends with him or spend time to make him feel comfortable in his new environment. If he used to have close relationship with the neighborhood in his home country, it would take time for him to adjust to his new environment where he could rarely see his neighbors. To make new friends is hard when no body is around. Battling with cultural differences is a struggle to most immigrants. It takes time to be adjusted to this new life setting.

Adjustment to Cold weather

Adjusting to the cold weather is not an easy thing specially to people who come from tropical countries. There are only two seasons in the tropical zones, the rainy and the sunny days. Of course most Immigrants from tropical areas are so excited to watch the snowflakes and to play with snow which they never had experienced but there are some who are not comfortable with the cold weather and they don’t like winter time. Immigrants who get sick easily when exposed to the cold would have hard time adjusting. Even here in the United sates, there are many who do not like winter time specially in areas where it is extremely cold. Even if these people are used to cold weather, they are still uncomfortable with it. How much more for immigrants who never experience this type of weather in their country? The chilly wind is hard to bear and some people get sick to it. Adjusting to the cold weather is not easy.

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Adjustment to Food.

People worldwide are familiar with bread. pasta, lasagna, spaghetti, casserole burger, hot dogs etc. but to most immigrants, these types of food are eaten only during special occasions not as main menu every single day. Their stomach felt empty when they can not eat the food they used to have. Immigrants have their own staple food like rice and others. They used to eat rice in every meal together with other dish like fried fish or meat with vegetables. Their daily menu is different from that of the Americans but since they are already here, they must learn to adjust to the usual food of the Americans. This is hard to most immigrants. Some of them felt sick in their first bite of the American salad which is made of fresh lettuce leaves and other raw vegetables with dressings on it. Lots of people are not used to eat raw leaves, they usually cook their leafy vegetables. Adjusting to the American food is a struggle to most immigrants.

Adjustment to Driving.

Driving is the most challenging part for lady immigrants who never have experience driving in their home countries. Most people in other countries are used to public rides. They have no cars of their own and learning to drive is not necessary. In my country, most drivers are men and they do it for a living like company drivers or private drivers for rich people who have cars but doesn’t want to drive but these drivers have no cars of their own. Here in America is another thing. Everybody has a car and driving is a must to everyone specially to people who are in the country areas where buses, trains and other public vehicles are not available. it is a must to be able to drive to go to work or to go to places you need to go. It is not an easy thing to be in the steering wheel for the first time surrounded by fast moving cars and with speed limit to maintain. It takes time to gain courage and confidence on the road. Adjusting to this kind of life is not easy specially to ladies.

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Adjustment to career change

There are lots of job opportunities in America but usually not inline with the trainings of most immigrants. This is the reason why they changed their careers when they’ re here. Some have 2-3 jobs because they grasp the opportunity to earn more in order to cope with the standard of American living. In big cities everything is expensive. Food, Apartment rentals, bills, taxes, gas, etc. It is a tough adjustment to most immigrants but in order to survive, they should not be choosy of what they could do to earn a living. Most often the job opportunities are not in line with their professions but they need to be flexible and willing to learn new things to be able to cope with the standard of life in America. This adjustment is challenging. It needs courage and persistence.

Adjustment to Racial Discrimination.

Well, it is true that there is a rule in every establishment not to discriminate anybody with regards to races but this could never be avoided when you look different from them. Dealing with discrimination is the hardest part of being an immigrant. It is very disappointing and frustrating when you are not given the right treatment you deserve because you are different from them in many ways. It hurts to be a trying hard individual just to gain approval and acceptance specially in the workplace. Immigrants should be prepared to face these challenges. Adjusting to racial discrimination is tough. Immigrants need to be strong and smart enough to handle this situation so that they would be able to overcome in time.