Amy’s Fried Dill Pickle Recipe

I absolutely love some fried dill pickles. I hated that I had to go pay an arm and a leg every time I wanted them so I made my own batter and now I can have them whenever I want. Now, I want to share my recipe with you.

1 jar of Walmart Hamburger Dill Pickles (it’s a big jar with a red lid)
1/2 gallon of buttermilk (I use Walmart brand)
1 cup of Buttermilk Enriched White Cornmeal Mix
1/.4 cup of Self Rising Flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
vegetable oil
1 gallon size zip lock bag

1. Drain the pickle juice out of the pickle jar. Leave pickles in jar.

2. Pour buttermilk into pickle jar to cover up pickles. Replace lid and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (I found out that you can also refrigerate them over night and they taste better!)

3. In the gallon size zip lock bag, add Cornmeal mix, Flour, Salt and Pepper. Shake to mix.

4. In a colander, pour out pickles.

5. Place skillet on medium heat on top of stove and pour vegetable oil in the bottom of the skillet at least 2 inches thick.

6. Drop no more then 5 pickles in the gallon bag at a time. Snap bag back together. Shake well to coat the pickles.

7. Remove pickles from bag and place in the oil. Depending on how fast your eye of your stove heats up, cook on one side until light golden brown. Flip and let it fry for a minute.

8. Remove from oil and place in a bowl lined with paper towels to catch the oil.

See also  12 Step Fresh Homemade Pumpkin Puree Preparation

I like to serve mine with some ranch dressing for dipping. I hope you enjoy!