Alternatives to Declawing Your Cat or Kitten

Do you have a new cat or kitten that you’re considering having declawed? Before you decide, you should read about the other options available. Here are some of them…

I started researching alternatives to declawing, after I learned exactly what the declawing procedure was. (I wrote about that on Associated Content, and you can read that article HERE.) After I knew what a gruesome surgery declawing is, I found all these other alternatives. I hope one of them will be right for your family pet.

Your cat’s claws are just the feline equivalent of finger/toe nails. They can be clipped just like people’s nails can be. Removing the sharp point will keep them from being able to scratch people or ruin furniture, which are the two most common reasons people give for declawing. Cat’s claws can be clipped with the same sort of clippers you use on your family, so this option won’t cost you anything but time. It won’t harm the cat, just like clipping your own nails doesn’t hurt you.

You can also file your cat’s claws, the same way you file a human’s. It takes a little longer, but it leaves a smoother nail, that won’t sag and tear later. You don’t have to do them all at once either. After the first time, just file one or two every day or so, while the cat is curled in your lap anyway. If you start this when your cat is young, he or she will be used to it and sit calmly for you to groom the claws.

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If your starting with a kitten, you have the perfect opportunity to control scratching entirely by training. You can teach your cat not to scratch people, and not to damage your home. Make sure your kitten has a dedicated scratching area; somewhere that he or she is allowed to scratch, and make sure that’s always available. Anytime your kitten makes a move to claw furniture, just redirect that activity to the scratching post. Soon your kitten will learn that scratching is only done in that special place.

Soft Paws
Soft Paws are little plastic caps that cover the cat’s claws. They glue on just like false fingernails on a human. They’re small enough not to impede the cat from walking properly, but too blunt for scratching anything. They do have to be replaced periodically, as the glue wears off. But they’re not very expensive, (certainly les than the declawing surgery!) and they’re safe for your cat. You can order Soft Paws online – HERE. I have a friend that uses these on her cats and loves them. The cats got used to them right away, and now they don’t seem to notice them at all.

Please click on the author’s name (above the article) to read more of her work on Associated Content.



  • How to Declaw a Cat