Alternative Medicine for Canker Sores and Blisters

Ever wondered what the difference is between a canker sore and a fever blister? At some point in time, I’m sure that all of us have had some sort of mouth sore or at least known someone that suffers with them. Whether they are inside the mouth and make it uncomfortable to talk or eat, or swollen and red outside the mouth (typically on the lip), both can be painful and embarrassing.

Canker sores (also known as aphthous ulcers) develop inside the mouth. Web MD describes them as a shallow sore shaped like a crater (ulcer) on your tongue or on the inside of your lip or cheek. They have a red border with a white or yellow center and can take one to three weeks to heal (up to six weeks for major canker sore). People can have more than one canker sore at a time, but you cannot spread them to other people. Canker sores typically develop when you are stressed or tired, are starting your menstrual cycle (if you are a woman), have hurt your mouth (biting your lip), have braces on your teeth, have food allergies, eat or drink acidic items, or do not get enough vitamins/minerals in your diet.

Fever blisters (also known as cold sores) develop around the mouth and on the lips. WebMD describes the first symptoms as pain around your mouth and on your lips, a fever, a sore throat, or swollen glands in your neck or other parts of your body. Blisters will appear, break open, leak a clear fluid, and then crust over and disappear anywhere from several days to two weeks. These are very contagious and may spread by sharing eating utensils or razors, kissing an infected person, or touching the sore or saliva. Fever blisters only occur in people that are infected with the herpes simplex virus, but again it is very contagious so avoid sharing items with someone that has a fever blister.

See also  Facts About Canker Sores

So, all that being said, let’s look at some natural ways to combat and help prevent these outbreaks as well as analyze the cost (found at that can be associated with it.

1. Eat a mineral-rich diet. Focus on foods that will make your body more alkaline. (Green vegetables are the best source for both of these requirements.)

2. L-Lysine is an amino acid that works to help heal as well as prevent outbreaks. ($4.89 100-500mg capsules)

3. Vitamin C works directly against viruses. ($7.95 100-500mg capsules)

4. Vitamin B Complex formulas alleviate stress off of the body. ($7.53 100-330mg capsules)

5. Garlic is a natural antiseptic and has anti-viral properties as well. ($5.59 250-1500mg soft gels)

6. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) has many wound-healing and soothing components from licorice root. ($8.39 100-400mg lozenges)

7. Boost your immune system to help ward off infection by using Echinacea, Chaparral, Goldenseal, Cayenne Pepper and/or Aloe Vera. (Echinacea-$13.33 180 capsules; Chaparral-$16.49 2 oz. tincture; Goldenseal-$10.72 180-400mg capsules; Cayenne Pepper-$7.24 180-450mg capsules; Aloe Vera-$5.59 4 oz. concentrate)

8. Avoid toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate. SLS is believed to erode the protective mucus layer inside the mouth and increase risk of developing sores.

9. Identify and eliminate food sensitivities and allergies.

10. Avoid arginine-containing foods. Just as lysine inhibits viral activity, arginine can promote it. (Arginine foods are things such as chocolate, peanuts and other nuts, seeds, and cereal grains)

Listed below are some additional items to help alleviate pain/discomfort from canker sores:

1. Eat soft, bland foods (avoid acidic food).

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2. Drink cold fluids (with a straw if liquid irritates sore) or eat popsicles.

3. Rinse your mouth with salt water (1 tsp salt per 1 c warm water)

Listed below are some additional items to help alleviate pain/discomfort from fever blisters as well as assist in healing:

1. Topical lysine

2. Topical Zinc-use a zinc lozenge (the kind used for sore throats) and let it dissolve on the lesions.

In my personal experience, the triggers for me were always acidic food (pickles being the worst), sun exposure and stress. I take a 500mg supplement of L-Lysine daily and have not had an outbreak in well over one year. I used to get them 3-4 times a year. I take a multi-vitamin as well, but until I began taking the Lysine supplements, breakouts would still occur.

“Understanding Canker Sores-The Basics”, WebMD

“Cold Sores-Topic Overview”, WebMD

“Cold sores”, www.