Alternative Energy Sources

Our economy and our lives are dependent on oil, however many argue that we are running out of oil at a rapid rate. Oil has been a power struggle in many of the wars we have fought. Much of our countries foreign policy is based on securing oil rights. Everyday we use oil, it powers our vehicles, homes and provides heat. It is the backbone of our country in many ways. However many believe it is not worth the trade off of polluting our environment. Either way if we run out of viable means of energy it could take months to get most of our country out of the dark ages. When I use the word viable, I am discussing an energy source that could replace oil on a large scale.

Many people have invested time and money into researching alternative energy sources in the last 100 years. Especially in the last three or four decades many advancements in alternative energy have been made. Possibly one of the oldest viable alternatives in use in the United States is the hydroelectricity being provided by the Hoover Dam. Unfortunately while this has powered a small portion of our country, it is not enough to replace oil.

Many Scientists and DIY hobbyists have advanced the field of alternative energy dramatically in the last few decades. It is an unforgettable fact that we are an energy intensive society. The quest to find a viable replacement is long. Perhaps the best idea is to combine many of these alternative energies to solve the problem.

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Alternative energy comes in many forms. Some of the most common are: Wind Power, Solar Power, Alternative fuels, Water Power, and Thermo Power. Many people are already powering their homes using wind, and solar power. Hybrid automobiles are reaching the market and a race is on to develop effective hydrogen fuel cells to power our vehicles. One of the arguments is none of these is has the power to replace oil. Maybe not but a combination of these alternative means could free us from our reliance on oil.

This has been a very simplified article introducing alternative energy means. In follow up articles we will go much farther in depth to these energy sources. Our Earth acts almost like a giant productive battery supplying all of the alternative energy could ever need. Tapping that energy effectively is being done everyday, however it requires a switch in our thinking. We as a society need to ask the questions and become conscious of where our energy comes from.

We cannot rely on someone else to improve our environment. Each one of us can make a difference by asking questions, research and possibly using some of these alternative means in our own lives. Many of these alternative sources are amazingly simple to tap into. Making them effective is a little harder but not rocket science. Remember the first tool each one of us can use is awareness. Our reliance on oil is a weakness in this country and our position in the world. Alternative energy sources are a viable means to reduce this reliance.