All Natural Herbal Remedies for Welts

Welts can be a symptom of hives, mosquito bites, allergies, eczema, poison ivy and flea bites amongst other things. Welts tend to itch and sting the skin until the victim is driven crazy with the need to scratch. Scratching is the worse thing you can do to welts; instead try one of these all natural herbal remedies.

Vicks Vapor Rub – Believe it or not Vicks Vapor Rub is made from essential oils like camphor and eucalyptus. Camphor is one of the main ingredients in Vicks Vapor Rub. It acts like a band aid for the skin and seals it from getting air or spreading any other allergens. You must be aware though that applying Vicks Vapor Rub to welts will burn momentarily and I would not recommend using this on severe cases.

Oatmeal – To help relieve the itching that comes with welts take an oatmeal bath. Not only is this a well known remedy for chicken pox but it also sooths skin that is irritated as a result of hives and allergies. Fill a nylon stocking with a cup of oatmeal, tie a knot to keep the oatmeal inside and rub over skin. You can also add a half of a cup of oatmeal to bathwater for the same results.

Vitamin C – Drinking or eating vitamin c helps to lower the body’s natural histamine levels. This will help prevent hives which is one of the main causes of skin welts.

Milk – Use cold milk to make a compress and apply to the welted area for 10 to 15 minutes. Also, there are Apis Mellifica tablets which are milk based to create a paste. Simply dissolve the tablets in a few drops of water and apply to the skin. Apis Mellifica is commonly referred to as the bee sting cure.

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Vinegar – Mix 1/4th quart of apple cider vinegar and 2 quarts of water. Use this mixture to bathe the skin several times a day.

Cabbage – Crush cabbage leaves with a rolling pin, place in the refrigerator until the mashed leaves are cool and apply as a compress. This method will help alleviate the burning and cools the skin.

Yogurt – Mix plain yogurt and honey together to create a cream. Apply the cream to the welted area and allow it to sit on the skin for one hour.

Onion – Cook 1 sliced onion in about half of a cup of honey until the onion is soft. Using an electric beater beat the concoction until it is a paste and then apply to the skin. Let the paste sit on the skin for an hour and then rinse with warm water. Apply paste twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.

Tea Tree Oil – Dab undiluted tea tree oil directly on welts to relieve itching and dry out any poisons that may reside inside the welted area. Tea tree oil is sol in almost all drugstores and can be found at Wal-Mart and Target stores.

Cornstarch – Cornstarch is a wonderful remedy for many different skin ailments including mosquito bites, hives, chicken pox, diaper rash etc. Dump a cup of cornstarch into bathwater and soak for 30 minutes. You can also make a paste with cornstarch and water and apply directly to the affected area. My daughter was extremely allergic to diaper rash medicines and would often end up with bleeding rashes. Cornstarch is the only thing gave her relief.

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Ice – Ice is just about the best thing you can apply to a welt. The coldness will sooth the heat and reduces swelling. In cases of spider bites or severe allergies that affect the breathing seek medical help immediately. Anaphylactic shock is life threatening and should not be treated with herbal natural remedies.

In cases of spider bites or severe allergies that affect the breathing seek medical help immediately. Anaphylactic shock is life threatening and should not be treated with herbal natural remedies.