All About the Sugar Substitute Stevia

When you think of green, leafy plants that provide an instant mood boost and are widely acclaimed by owners of natural food stores, images of free-loving hippies may come to mind. However, the latest sugar substitute to hit the market, called “Stevia”, has reportedly been used for centuries. As of recent, it has taken over 40 percent of Japan’s sugar substitute market and is slowly gaining acceptance in the United States.

I came across Stevia after using it on a whim at a health-centric restaurant, Brighter Days, near my hometown. It sweetened my iced tea perfectly and left no bitter aftertaste, and my mother-in-law and I ended up buying a whole 100-pack from the natural food store next door. But it wasn’t until I saw a commercial for Stevia sugar substitute that I realized this product was going to become something. Since I didn’t know much about this crazy, super sweet leaf, I decided to do some research. Here’s what I came up with!

What is Stevia?

It is a South American herb with leaves that can be used as a sugar or sweetener substitute.

What is so great about it?

According to the product’s website, Stevia doesn’t adversely affect blood glucose levels (so diabetics may also use it). You will also not take in any calories when using Stevia, because your body doesn’t metablozie the sweet properties from the leaf or any of its processed forms.

How is it packaged?

You can buy stevia in powder or liquid form. Both can be used for all types of baking or to sweeten your coffee!

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Can Stevia replace sugar in the diet?

Yes. Stevia has none of sugar’s unhealthy drawbacks, so it is actually better to use than regular sugar. Refined sugar has no nutritional value and is basically like taking in empty calories.

Can Stevia replace artificial sweeteners in the diet?

Yes. Stevia has been cleared by the FDA and is all-natural, unlike the sugar substitutes Splenda or Equal.

What does it taste like?

It’s sweeter than sugar, if you can imagine that. Plus, there is no bitter aftertaste like when you use an artificial sweetener. I am an advocate for using Stevia in unsweetened tea or coffee, but I haven’t used it as a refined sugar substitute for baking, yet, so I can’t tell you how it works in that respect.

What brands of sugar subsititue contain Stevia?

Nu Stevia- White Stevia Powder and SweetLeaf are the only two brands I found on currently on the market.

Where can I buy the sugar substitute, Stevia?

The SweetLeaft brand can be ordered online through the Healthy Shopping Network . The online site offers all forms of Stevia: liquid, powder, and tablets. Healthy Shopping Network also offers liquid Stevia flaors for an added taste to your coffee, smoothies, soft drinks, tea, and yogurt. Nu Stevia- White Stevia Powder is available through Amazon.


Questions and Answers About Stevia, Stevia website. Http://