All About Birth Announcements

There is certain information we expect to see included in all birth announcements whether they are sent by email, mailed or posted on a website. The baby’s full name should be listed, as well as the month day and year of birth. The time of birth is listed, and should specify whether it was am or pm. The baby’s weight in pounds and ounces, as well as the baby’s length should be indicated. It is also important to include the name of the parents, and sometimes even the siblings names are included. A photo of the baby will complete the birth announcement.

Birth announcements can be delivered by mail, email or posted on a website or social media.
You can prepare a card to mail your birth announcements. You can create them from blank birth announcements purchased from a store, make your own birth announcements out of card stock and decorations, or have your cards professionally printed.

You can choose to email your birth announcements. You can have an email list and the birth announcement t design prepared in advance. Then you can just fill in the details to email out when the baby is born. If you have friends or family who are not “computer savvy” you may need to have a couple of card announcements to mail to them. You can create your own birth announcement using computer software, or use an online company to design the template for you. Some might charge as little as $10 for this service. Once you have this template, you can also use it to post it to your facebook page. Another option is to use an online greeting card company to send out e-card birth announcements. You simply fill in your own details and enter the email addresses you would like to send them to.

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The other popular way to announce the big event these days is to use social media. That social media might be facebook or a web nursery website supplied by the hospital where the baby was born. Social media should not be the only way a birth is announced; it should just be a supplement to mail or email announcements. That is because not all friends or family would check the social media and some would miss the announcement.

You can easily create your own customized birth announcements to be posted free at certain online websites You can customize the birth announcement design and add one or multiple photos and videos. Visitors can leave messages for well-wishes for the family in the guestbook. These websites integrate with Facebook, MySpace and Twitter so you can post messages to these social media sites from them. They track how many visitors you get to your pages. The services are free but there might be advertising on the pages. Some websites offer to let you pay a fee to get rid of the advertising on the page.Whether you use just one method or all three depends on what works best for your situation.

It is becoming more popular for grandparents to send out birth announcements of their grandchildren to their own friends and acquaintances that the parent may not know. We all know how grandparents love to brag about grandchildren, and this is their first opportunity to do so. A whole host of companies make cards or online templates designed for grandparents to use to send birth announcements. Grandparents who like to craft can make their own birth announcements as well. The grandparents birth announcement would include all the basic information as the parents, with the addition of the grandparents names on the announcement.

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It is also common to send birth announcements for adoptions, even if the child is older than a newborn. The birth announcement would list the child’s birth date and the date the child joined the family. There would be no need for the date and height if the child is not a newborn. A quick search on “wording adoption birth announcements” in a search engine will bring up suggestions of how to write the adoption birth announcement. After all, the family who has just adopted a child is just as eager to get the word out about the adoption as a family with a newborn.

You can find many suggestions on how to word the birth announcements online. Just go to a search engine like Yahoo and enter “birth announcement wording”. Many pages of search engine results come up that have samples of wording to use for whatever type of birth announcement you would like to send. Some people like to quote Bible scripture about the big event. Others like to word the announcement like it is the sibling talking about the birth of their brother or sister. Suggestions are offered for using quotes of famous people or lyrics of popular songs. Examples can be found how to word a birth announcement for twins or multiple births. With so many suggestions, almost anyone can find something appropriate for their situation. Or in case you don’t, you can just be a little creative and write your own birth announcement.