Aldi’s L’oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread

For approximately three weeks now, I’ve been eating several different varieties of bread from Aldi supermarkets. So far, I have purchased and eaten three loaves of Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread and I am very impressed with the bread’s price, flavor, texture and overall quality.

Presented here, in an effort to assist the consumer, is an article which reviews and examines Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread.

The net weight of the standard – sized loaf of Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread is 20 ounces (567 grams). According to the product’s nutrition facts label, the loaf contains 20 one slice (28 grams) servings. In physical size, the loaf is approximately the same size as most other family – sized loaves of bread.

The regular retail price charged for one 20 ounce loaf of Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread at Hartford, Connecticut area Aldi supermarkets is, believe it or not, approximately $0.89 per loaf. I am a big fan of split top wheat breads and I regularly purchase and consume several different brands of this type of bread.

Being introduced to Aldi’s products only recently, I am amazed at the low prices that they charge for high quality products. To me, this bread is just as good as a name brand split top wheat bread, which features a yellow wrapper. At $0.89 per loaf, three loaves of this bread would roughly equal the price of one loaf of the name brand bread.

Texture / Consistency
This bread offers a very pleasing texture. First of all, the individual slices of Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread seem to be a little bit thicker than many other varieties of split top wheat bread. The bread also maintains a little sturdier texture than other breads.

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When spreading peanut butter, vegetable oil spread or other items on slices of this bread, it does not fall apart. The texture of this wheat bread is definitely a plus factor.

Nutritional Facts
Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread contains 70 calories, with 10 calories from fat, per one slice serving. This bread also contains 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams trans fat, 1 gram total fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 140 mg of sodium, 15 grams total carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of dietary fiber, 2 grams of sugars and 2 grams of protein, per one slice serving.

Taste / Flavor
The flavor offered by Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread is very appealing. I am a regular consumer of different brands of split top wheat bread and this bread tastes just as good as any higher priced name brand bread.

This bread features a mellow flavor of wheat that lends itself well to any type of sandwich it is used for. I particularly like eating this bread toasted, with either vegetable oil spread or peanut butter slathered upon it. On a flavor scale of one through ten, I would assign this product a rating of 9.50.

Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread is packaged in a clear, standard – type bread bag, or wrapper. The bag features a brown, gold and white label which contains only minimal text and illustration. The front label only states ‘L’oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread’ and the only place where the name Aldi is printed, is at the bottom of the rear label.

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Overall Rating
I have nothing but good things to say about Aldi’s L’ oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread. This bread is very inexpensively priced, nicely textured and quite flavorful. Available at Aldi food stores everywhere, this bread is highly recommended by this food writer.

Sources :
Personal experience with the product
The product label