Albino Rat Care

So you have decided to purchase an Albino rat – what next? While Albino rats are typically low-maintenance and easy to care for pets, preparing yourself for the arrival of your new pet and educating yourself on the creature’s specific needs is absolutely required.

First, you will need to prepare a safe and comfortable habitat for your Albino rat. The ideal cage for the average sized rat should be no smaller than nine by thirteen inches, and should have a closable lid with proper ventilation. If you are purchasing a used cage or aquarium, be sure to clean the cage well with dish soap and warm water only, and rinse very well.

Bedding should be placed into the bottom of the cage or aquarium to make your Albino rat’s environment as comfortable as possible. Thin wood shavings or corn pebbles are generally the easiest and cheapest to obtain, and will be safe for your rat to walk and sleep on. Avoid wood chips and shredded newspaper, as the wood chips may splinter your rat’s delicate feet, and if ingested, wood chips and heavily inked newspaper may be a danger to your rat’s ongoing health.

Wheels and other toys can be placed into your Albino rat’s cage if so desired. When purchasing a wheel, be sure that it is large enough to accommodate a full-grown rat or Guinea Pig, as wheels for hamsters will likely not be large enough to suit an Albino rat.

Purchasing a dripping water unit for your Albino rat is absolutely necessary. These water units generally attach to the top of the cage, thus allowing your pet to drink whenever desired. Open water bowls will likely be spilled very quickly, thus leading to the need to clean your pet’s cage on a nearly constant basis.

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Many new Albino rat owners make the mistake of associating their pet’s diet with that of feral rats, which will eat nearly anything in sight. It is important to understand that your Albino rat has been raised by humans, and requires a specific diet in order to live a healthy life. Grainy pellets (specifically for rats, not hamsters, gerbils, or Guinea Pigs) should be made available to your rat on a constant basis, and can be easily purchased in most specialty pet stores and even some department stores. Feeding your Albino rat small amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis is an excellent idea, and your pet will really enjoy these special treats. Avoid over-processed, salty, and sweet foods, as this may be dangerous to your rat’s digestion.

Changing of bedding and general cleaning and maintenance of your Albino rat’s cage should be performed on a weekly basis. Individual rats may be messier or cleaner than others, and cleaning times may be adjusted due to these circumstances.

Albino rats are clean, interesting, and fun pets to own. With the proper care and minor upkeep to the rat’s environment, you and your new pet will have many fun and exciting years to come.
