Albert Einstein: One of the Most Influential Men of Our Times!

From the very beginning when man had begun to use tools, the process of development began, and from then on he began to look for newer and better ways of improving tasks. Man wanted things to improve and make life easier, so he also improved on the things that he made. A simple example of this is the fact that knives today are available in different shapes, depending on the nature of work that they are used for. This is just one example of the innovations that have been carried out in order to improve human living.

Man has also tried to compete with his fellow humans who were more advanced than he was. This is what led to learning the ways in which other people developed themselves technologically. Thus began the process of sharing knowledge with one another. In more technologically advanced times people began to realize the value of technology. In view of this, there have been several renowned figures during the 19th and 20th centuries that have contributed immensely to human development.
One well known name that comes to mind immediately is Albert Einstein. This is because of his efforts to learn more about the universe and spread these thoughts to others in order to understand the system within which they live. Included in this attempt are several theses of his that contributed to his unified theory that he finally ended up with. Ina addition to this, he was also a pacifist, who was saddened by the death and destruction he witnessed during his life. It was because of this that he worked hard in his final days to prevent mankind from further self-destruction. Judging by the transformations that Albert Einstein saw during his life time, it must be asserted that the world has developed through several stages, and it is indeed in a constant evolutionary process through which the human race lives. This means that the changes one has witnessed in the past hundred years are not the only ones (Hans-Josef, 2004).

From the period of mechanization onwards, there have been several more changes in society visible. These have mainly been caused due to the technological development and awareness. There are bound to be more changes, some of which may be drastic, leaving indelible scars across the planet. Indeed, this refers to the manner in which man has progresses, leaving his marks at every point in history. Einstein is indeed one of these men. Undoubtedly, his theoretical work has been the fuel behind many of the technological changes, which have triggered societal changes. However, it must also be said that the development that he and many other scientists have helped towards changing the world during the 20th century (Hans-Josef, 2004).

Looking at Einstein’s theories that have changed society tremendously gives one a more positive view of his work of course, and it was certainly his intention to explain what was not understood; he certainly did not have malicious intentions. Indeed, viewing some of his work reveals the pure genius behind it all (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

In 1905, Einstein his first thesis, ‘A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions’; it was this thesis for which he was awarded his PhD at the University of Zürich. Following this thesis were four more important papers; it was these collectively that transformed man’s views of the universe: ‘On the Motion – Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat – of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid’; this was a theoretical explanation of Brownian theory/Brownian motion in liquids.

‘On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light’; in this groundbreaking paper, Einstein explained what light was, overshadowing Newton’s views. He went on to theorize that light is made up of individual quanta (photons).

These photons, in addition to wavelike behavior, have properties of particulate matter. This theory meant that Einstein had changed man’s view of the theory of light, and included other phenomena such as the emission of electrons from some solids when impacted with light energy. This is what is called the photoelectric effect. Aside from these theories that transformed man’s views of the world, there was the controversial theory of relativity. This important work released under the title ‘On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies’ had its origins in other work that influenced Einstein (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

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Particularly, Einstein’s theory of relativity theorized that for all frames of reference, the speed of light is constant. If all natural laws are the same, then both time and motion are found to be relative to the observer. Straight after the presentation of this work on ‘relativity’ Einstein released one more paper ‘Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?’ It is this paper that supports Einstein’s work on the theory of relativity and provides more evidence for man to understand what he presented (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

Here, it must be emphasized that Einstein did not want man to be kept in the dark; he wanted him to know what he was talking about so that everyone could understand the universe and not remain in a darkness of traditional thought and teachings. Indeed, this is what happened to the world since Einstein’s work was released, which is why Einstein’s formula (E = mc2) is even known to secondary school children. However, this condition was reached many years later (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

At the time when Einstein released his work however, he was immediately recognized and invited by many universities just to lecture on his views of the universe and his theories. Much of his time was spent traveling to different places for the purpose of sharing his views and carrying out further investigation. It is through explanation of his work that Einstein was able to make people understand what he had theorized. His narrations were important for people to grasp what he tried to tell them (Hans-Josef, 2004).

Building on Newton’s work was also an essential part of his work because he managed to explain the relations he had to it along with scientific evidence. This has led to other scientists as well taking previously researched subjects and working on them. Especially Einstein’s theory of gravity was groundbreaking and one that people of his time waited for results of (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

Einstein studied the behavior of light through an eclipse and was able to confirm his views. It was practical approaches such as these that won him a prominent place as a scientist, and caused several people to follow in his footsteps of seeking physical proof. Although this trend was set much before his work, it was emphasized upon in his case, and he succeeded in providing evidence for whatever he did. Given that information changes society and the way that people behave, it is no wonder that people in general have significantly changed in behavior since Einstein’s work became known (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

Today, people live in an age in which they are aware that the world is not what it might have initially been described as. Initially, people may have had the impression that there are several things present in the universe without any hope of human beings ever being able to understand them. However, saving people from conservative understanding were people like Einstein because of the physical evidence that he supplied (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

One must also realize the situation within which he was able to convey his messages about the universe, as this is an important point. In view of this it must be said that scientists such as Copernicus suffered tremendously in the days when he discovered that the earth revolved around the sun; the church persecuted him for this discovery because it overshadowed their thoughts. In contrast to this, Einstein may have had it a lot easier because people like Copernicus paved the way for further understanding.

With his passive views of the world, Einstein may be described as a peaceful thinker who simply wanted to explain the way that things were. Living through two World Wars also impacted his thoughts significantly, and had even disrupted his work. It was during the First World War that he was separated from his family. He however went ahead with his work but had stopped everything to support Pacifism. He even began circulating literature against the violence he and many others experienced, but he eventually went back to his work. When Hitler took over the German military, Einstein left Germany (Hans-Josef, 2004).

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Later, he continued to work on his Unified theory without abandoning his pacifist approaches. However, this changed significantly when he was convinced that Germany were indeed preparing for all out war on Europe. Though many opposed him and did not think that Germany was capable of controlling the whole of Europe, he was sure enough. To the surprise of his pacifist associates, Einstein warned European countries to prepare themselves militarily for defense against Germany. His warnings were largely unheeded, but were accurate. In addition to this, he was informed about success that the Germans had with the atomic research, and this is why he feared that they would construct a devastating device enough to kill millions at a time. It was this fear that led Einstein to warn concerned authorities, which triggered the establishment of the Manhattan Project. Though Einstein did not set to work on this himself, people largely believe that he was at the center of creating the bombs that were dropped on Japan. However, his name was rightly associated with scientists with whom he worked to prevent Germany preparing such a bomb. His last years went towards working on a platform that would prevent countries from preparing such devastating weapons. Here it must be emphasized that Einstein did not have a clue that the US had prepared a nuclear fission bomb otherwise he probably would have worked to prevent them from using it. Hence, largely in the eyes of the public Einstein is believed to be the one that worked on the bombs used on Japan and prevented Germany from developing such a weapon.

In this sense, it must be realized that there sadly is a great deal about Einstein that is not known; people are generally not aware of the pacifist side of this man, and are largely aware of his name because of his scientific works. Even so, he is respected for his work, as it has provided a great deal for the world to further work on.

In addition to this work, it must be emphasized that even though people may not be aware of it, Einstein is one of the major figures who played a prominent role in trying to initiate a set up of a world government that would oversee and inhibit heinous developments, such as atomic weapons. Many statesmen did not agree with this, but it can be said that many did call him a world citizen for his efforts during his last days (Raner & Lerner, 358:102).

As a result of these efforts, it can be said that Einstein had in fact played a major role in the formations of what is known as the United Nations. As many may be unaware of this fact, it is worth asserting that Einstein was tremendously against violence and he thought that through the formation of such an organization further world wars could be delayed prevented. However, he also had his doubts being realistic as he was, but these doubts did not prevent him from trying to do the best he could for humanity’s sake.

It is evident thus that he played a tremendous role in the making of a safer and more organized world through his work towards forming a body that would prevent catastrophe. A major amount of safety and security that the world had from the Second World War onwards is owed to Einstein, a man who could not withdraw himself from his work.

Clearly, it can be observed that through his work from the beginning of his scientific endeavors was in fact his aim for bettering human living and understanding. Whatever work he revealed was in sync with this notion; he wanted people to understand the world, and so, it may be asserted that he has succeeded to a great extent, although there are several others that refuse to put their minds to peaceful discovery (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

Albert Einstein is indeed remembered for his genius in mathematics, chemistry and physics. It was because of accurate calculations and innovativeness that today’s world is well aware of the behavior of particles, concept of photons, relativity, etc. These things were never understood before because no one had attempted to explain the world system in the manner that Einstein did. However, it is also Einstein’s knowledge of atomic science that has led people to recognize him for atomic developments in the world (Einstein, 1959. 99-105).

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People generally associate his name with the atomic bomb and other related developments. However, it must be emphasized here again that was not he that contributed to making the bomb that was dropped on warring nations during the Second World War; it was he who worked against nations developing such a monstrous device. However, he was caught off guard after having worked with scientists against Germany, as they were developing atomic devices at that time. The reason why Einstein was working towards disabling German in its mission to develop an atomic weapon was because of the fact that he knew what catastrophe could result if such a weapon was created and used. However, after the Second World War, the use of this form of energy has been transformed. It is because of this form of energy that the world has changed into a fast-paced one, with a means of saving on resources. However, it is also a world that has tremendous capability and power to self-destruct.

Considering the positives of atomic and nuclear energy, it must be asserted that Einstein was believed to be primarily one of the individuals responsible for development of this form of energy. It is true to say that he had a great deal of knowledge about it, but he was not responsible for the death and destruction that resulted from its use during the Second World War. The world has learned a lesson since then, and today it tries to curtail the risks of a nuclear confrontation. In view of this, it can be seen how Einstein has indeed contributed to the development of western societies in particular because of his foresight; people are now more aware of the dangers of using atomic and nuclear energy as weapons.

In view of countries, having nuclear power, it must also be observed that there is considerable controversy raging over them; it is supposed that those countries with nuclear power are also capable of developing nuclear weapons. This is something that is of great danger to everyone on the planet (Raner & Lerner, 358:102).

It has been observed that countries with these capabilities may be terrorist states, and for this reason they are being hunted down and checked for their capability. Countries such as North Korea in particular are said to be of immense danger to the planet, particularly because of its anti-American stance, and it being a Communist nation.

In addition to the threats that exist today because of Einstein’s genius, it must be emphasized that the devastating bombing incidents in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also the cause of atomic knowledge, which he was aware of. Millions perished there, generations later many are born with mutations, and till today nothing grows on that land. The severity is something that has warned nations of venturing into nuclear conflict. However, few pay attention, and the world currently is at a stage where it fears another fierce disaster (Raner & Lerner, 358:102).

In view of what the world has witnessed Einstein was once asked about what kinds of weapons would be used in World War Three. To this he answered, “I don’t know what weapons World War Three will be fought with, but World War four will be fought with sticks and stones” (Albert Einstein Quotes, 2004). It is evident that through his own work and the way that his work was used, he was aware that nothing but devastation would result should there be a Third World War, which is why man kind would not be able to bring itself up to the standards the world is at presently (Raner & Lerner, 358:102).