Ahh, the Love Sac

One sunny afternoon in Salt Lake City Utah, I was touched by an angel. Or so I thought. What really happened that afternoon, I’ll leave up to the reader, but all I know is that by walking into a rather humorously titled store in a beautifully set up mall in Utah, I was blessed with pure comfort.

For those who have heard of Love Sacs, this introduction probably doesn’t strike them as odd. Well, maybe it strikes them as a bit odd, but no where near as much as might strike the un sac-savvy. For my poor uninformed readers, Love Sacs are giant sacs up to 8 feet in diameter, filled with shredded Dura Foam. Yes, you read that correctly. The only sensation i can equate to sitting on Love Sac’s “The Big One” is what it must feel like to be sitting on a giant warmed up marshmallow in the heaven of your choice, with any number of beautiful members of the opposite six sitting around you telling you how much they like you, all while you are winning the lottery. Now I haven’t found a religion yet where that actually is the preferred meaning of heaven, but you better believe that the second I find it, I’m in.

Now do not confuse this with a beanbag, fair readers. While it may have the makings of a beanbag, it couldn’t feel farther from. The shredded durafoam filler in the love sac seems to compress to just the right level to fully support ones body, yet still maintaining the amazing softness of foam no matter what position one is in. Some of my associates fortunate enough to feel the Love have equated it to what they must remember as being in the womb. Its that good. Now, the only downside of the Sac is its rather lofty retail price. For the service one receives along with the product, I like to pretend that that justifies the extra cost.

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Now I’m not going to tell you that the Love Sac is perfect… Wait, yes I am. Love Sacs are perfect. My apartment has no traditional furniture; All I have are giant Sacs. My home theater is surrounded by three of the gargantuan blobs of comfort, and my living area is perfectly completed with their monumental 8-footer. I haven’t since regretted making the plunge into the unconventional. I have personally been witness too amazing testimonials from suffering pregnant women, mind expanding college tokers, and my oh so critical parents, and they are all in agreement; The Love sac is the only way. To find out more about these amazing Sacs of love, visit their website at www.lovesac.com, or visit one of their beautiful retail stores, usually found in shopping malls. I made the plunge to the Sac, and personally, I’ll never go bac… OK, so they may not make your sense of humor better, but they will definitely make you more comfortable. So heres to getting touched by angels of comfort. And marshmallows. Warm marshmallows.
