Advantages of Burning Firelogs Instead of Wood in Your Woodstove or Fireplace

You have undoubtedly seen those firelogs lined up in rows and stacked neatly in your local department or grocery store. During fall and winter, some stores devote an entire aisle to firelogs and other accessories commonly used in conjunction with a woodstove or fireplace. If you have typically burned natural wood in your woodstove or fireplace in the past, chances are high that you have casually walked right passed the firelogs and given them nothing more than just a glance. There are numerous advantages to burning firelogs in your woodstove or fireplace instead of wood. Here are some points to consider before you purchase another load of natural wood.

Environmental Advantages

Firelogs are made from the sawdust and chips normally associated with the production of lumber. Typically, the products that form the firelogs would have eventually made their way to the landfills. Every single time you use a firelog in your woodstove or fireplace, you know you are doing your part to use materials that were once discarded and thought to be virtually useless.

Everyone knows that wood comes from trees, but did you realize that each time you burn a firelog instead of natural wood, you help to conserve trees. Customers who purchase firelogs can feel good about their choice in knowing they are doing their part to help save our natural resources.

Less Mess

Because firelogs burn cleaner than natural wood, they produce less smoke and ash. If you have ever cleaned out the ashes from a fireplace or woodstove, you know how messy it can be. Not to mention, less ash means less time spent cleaning up. We all know time is valuable, so consider this advantage the next time you are considering purchasing wood versus firelogs to burn in your woodstove or fireplace.

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Healthy Home

One of the drawbacks for burning wood in a fireplace or woodstove is the smoke. Especially for those with health concerns, reducing the amount of smoke when burning is important. Burning firelogs in your fireplace or woodstove will produce less smoke in your home than that from burning natural wood. This advantage alone would make me want to switch to burning firelogs instead of dry wood.


The storage of wood in your home can be cumbersome and inconvenient. Stacking split or oddly shaped logs can be a chore, but firelogs come in a convenient shape and size for stacking and storage in your home.

Keeping natural wood in your home can, at times, bring bugs or mold into your home. No one wants to invite insects and pests into their home. Mold can also be a factor for health reasons such as asthma or allergies. Selecting firelogs instead of wood can ease your mind and remedy these problems.

Burning firelogs in your woodstove or fireplace is a good choice. Environmental reasons and health reasons are enough to convince just about anyone to switch to burning firelogs instead of wood. As if those advantages weren’t enough, consider the convenience of storage and cleanup. It is time to give the firelogs more than just a passing glance.