Advantages and Disadvantages of Prairie Dogs as Pets

Prairie dogs are rodents native to the grassland areas of the United States. These small animals are only around a foot to a foot and a half in length, weighing in at anywhere from one to three pounds. Despite their small appearance, these animals have a rather advanced form of voice communication that experts say have some of the characteristics of a language. Some people have adopted prairie dogs as pets and have found them to be quite adaptable as pets. Unfortunately, the trade of prairie dogs is illegal in the U.S.A. due to the emergence of monkeypox. This means you should check with local officials to determine whether it’s legal for you to have a prairie dog as a pet.. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having pet prairie dogs?

They’re highly social animals.

Being highly social creatures, prairie dogs need the affection and attention of their owner and are often described by their owners as being friendly and lovable once they’ve formed a bond with you. It’s important that a prairie dog be handled frequently as a baby in order to develop appropriate socialization with humans. If raised in an environment where they’ve received human attention, they can be quite affectionate.

They can be quite time intensive.

Because they require frequent social interaction, they can be a time consuming pet. Plan on spending a great deal of time with your prairie dog if you want to keep him happy and well adjusted. Prairie dogs enjoy the company of other prairie dogs so having more than one can be an advantage.

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They don’t require a lot of space for housing.

You can house a prairie dog in a ferret cage that has multiple levels. Add a layer of hay and an exercise wheel to keep your prairie dog in good shape. Be forewarned, your prairie dog will still need a lot of one on one contact with you. Prairie dogs who don’t receive frequent stimulation can become quite depressed and withdrawn.

Prairie dogs have an odor that some people find objectionable.

Prairie dogs release a rather musky odor from their anal glands which can be offensive to some people. This usually happens when a prairie dog is frightened.

Prairie dogs may bite during their breeding season.

When a prairie dog enters his rut or breeding season, his personality may change considerably and he may become more aggressive and prone to biting. A prairie dog bite can be quite painful, sometimes holding on to skin and not letting go. This can be a particular problem if you have small children who want to hold their pet prairie dog during their season.

Prairie dogs have a tendency to chew.

Because prairie dogs have a strong need to chew, they should be given a variety of chew toys to keep them occupied and stimulated.

If you decide that pet prairie dogs might be appropriate for your family, be sure to check into the legalities of owning a prairie dog in your area first. A prairie dog can make an affectionate and loving pet for the person who has the time to devote to them.