Adding Printable Worksheets to Your Homeschooling Blog

There seems to be more, parents choosing to homeschool their children each year. One of the joys of having your own blog, is that you can share some of the resources you come across. As a homeschooling mom, I have found that other homeschooling families really appreciate it, when you share some of your original creations with them. It took some time to figure it out, but once you get the hang of it, the steps are pretty easy. You can also share some of your personal worksheets that you have created. Below you will find five steps for sharing your own worksheets with your blog readers. Keep in mind that the setting’s may need to be tweaked a bit, in order for your document to look just right. Take your time, and make the changes as needed.

Save your document as a pdf, file

You can start by saving your file as a PDF file, which you can do in certain programs. For example if you use Open Office, you can easily convert a regular document into a PDF file with the click of a button. Be sure to proof read your document, before your final save. If you have already used it as part of your homeschool, than you should already have the document set. If you are transferring the file to another program, you may need to readjust the margins. For any type of worksheet it is best to put it into a spreadsheet document, and then save as a PDF.

Add a cover page

A cover page is not something that you have to do in order to share a document, but it really is a nice touch. Some have found that adding their child’s artwork, along with the title of the document makes a great cover page. If you are working with a spreadsheet, you can go to insert, and click add a sheet. A small box will open up asking if you want to add it in front of the current page or after it. Insert the picture in front of the page. When you preview the page you will see that the cover page will print with the entire document.

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Sign up for a Scribd account

Scribd is a great way to upload your file online so that you can add it to your blog. Just sign up, and then click upload. Select the right file, and your document will show up. Check to make sure it looks ok by scrolling through it. You can then go to the account section and copy the HTML code that is provided.

Add it to blogger

If you have a blogger blog, than you can follow the suggestions. If you have a different blog your will need to play around with the setting so that you can figure out how to add the printable pages, using Scribd. The process itself should not be that different. To add it to blogger, create a new post, and explain a few details about the document you are sharing. The click on the HTML tab and paste the code from Scribd, after you text in the same post. Then click save, and you are done.

Test it out

Take the time to test out the document to see how it looks, and to see if you can print it properly. This way you can see if there are any issues or problems that need to be fixed.