Acting and Modeling Guide, How to Find a Legitimate Agent

Everyone at one time or another dreams of making it big on Broadway or in Hollywood, but unless you are born into the limelight you really have to work on getting into the acting and modeling business, and you may be willing to do anything to achieve success. If you’re really set on becoming an actor or a model there are a few things that you really need to watch out for, and some scams you should be aware of. Anyone who has a dream of making it big will usually be susceptible to empty promises made by those who prey on your dreams, and of course this could end up costing you big both in time and money.

When trying to make it in the entertainment industry, in both modeling and acting, you need to be aware that many agents, or individuals are not on the up and up. Everyone is out to make a quick buck and when it comes to acting, modeling, singing, or any other area of the entertainment field you need to be very careful about whom you trust. Most of the time when trying to find opportunities in the entertainment world you’ll need to find an agent to represent you because almost every casting director will look for talent through local agents for talent rather than having an open call. This is done for a multitude of reasons, such as time restrictions, and the degree of talent an agent can provide compared to someone who just randomly shows up. So because of this simple limitation having an agent is almost a must for anyone looking to make it as an actor, singer, model or other entertainment professional.

Now that we have established that you need an agent you need to know about how to find an agent. It’s actually a simple process, but remembers that every opportunity needs to be carefully examined. Look through your local phonebook for a list of agents in the field of entertainment that you want to pursue, and give careful consideration to those agencies that offer you the opportunity to pursue multiple fields. You really would like to find an agent who does modeling and acting rather than just one or the other because this will maximize your opportunity to find work as an actor or model.

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Next, once you have found an agent near you you’ll need to do some research. The Better Business Bureau is a great place to start, and it’s easy to access this handy tool online. All you have to do is find the agency and see if they are listed with the Better Business Bureau, and they should be if you intent to spend any time with them! From here you can see what the agency or companies overall grade is, and if there are any complaints against the agency. These complaints are very important, so be sure to read them all and see if there are any similarities between them. This will be the first and possibly the most important step you take when selecting an agent to represent you as an actor or model.

Next you’ll want to make an appointment to see the agent, or the agency in person. Just like with anything else in life you don’t want to make a blind investment, so take the time to visit. Once you arrive you should be able to sum up in the first few minutes if this is a place you want to be a part of. Is the agency large or small, are there any photos of other clients around the rooms you walk through, does this place look like an active work environment?

The size of the building does not matter a whole lot, but obviously you don’t want to be working out of someone’s home, you need an agent who is serious about their business, but that’s not to say that operating out of one’s home is not a good idea, just not common. There should always be photos, or comp cards and headshots of other clients around the agent’s office. These are items that need to be readily available to customers in the event that an actor or a model gets hired or is needed for a specific job. Also the environment in the agent’s office should almost be one of controlled chaos. An agent should work diligently to find work for their clients, but at the same time be organized. You don’t want an agent who is going to lose your resume, or one that stuffs it away in a filing cabinet and never takes a second look at you.

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Now the interview phase of finding an agent and this will be the make or break step. Remember, be confident and keep in mind that this is just as much an interview for you as it is for them because you want to know if this person is the right man or woman for the job you need accomplished. You need to find an agent who will represent your needs as an actor or a model or a singer, and make sure they don’t ask you for anything upfront unless it’s photos, or a resume.

One major mistake prospective actors and models make is to listen to the sugar coated dialog of agents and pay fees upfront and fall into financial traps. A good agent will never ask you for any money unless you get hired for a job, in which case they will take a percentage of what you make as their fee. Any agent that asks you for money upfront is not someone you want as a representative for yourself. Now if you have photos, comp cards, headshots, or resume that need to be updated and an agent tells you that, then that’s ok, but they should never as for any kind of payment outside of the percentage of the money you get paid for actually getting hired as an actor or model.

One other red flag to watch out for are agents that want you to get new comp cards and head shots made, but then they recommend their personal photographer. In these cases the agent gets paid an amount of money for the recommendation, and thus they make their money form you using their photographer. You can spot this kind of warning by looking at the other comp cards the agent has displayed in his or her office or work area. If they all look similar then you can be fairly certain that there is some kind of kickback for the agent if they get you to use their recommended photographer, which of course is not in your best interest.

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Online sites like Explore talent and the actors club are areas of the entertainment world you’ll want to avoid with extreme prejudice. They seem like legitimate agents on the surface, but only operate when you pay high membership fees for acting and modeling opportunities that you could find yourself on craigslist. These sites and those like them deal in big talk and lots of hype in order to get young, desperate, or naive actors and models to join their sites and spend money needlessly. Sites like this deal too much in the collection of membership fees and not enough in serving their clients. The chances of a legitimate casting director going to these kinds of sites to find talent is highly unlikely due to the submission guidelines. Let’s face it, unless you have some kinds of requirements for acceptance there is just too much to sift through to find the right kind of talent you’re looking for.

You need an actual live person to talk to who will represent you and your best interests. Look for an agent who is serious about their work, and who really seems to have their act together. Never pay any kind of fee upfront, or any kind of membership fee because one of the most important rules of being an actor or model is that your agent gets paid when you do. And remember to do your research, checkout the company’s history and background. Use resources like the Better Business Bureau online to find an agent who is repeatable and who is legitimate. Acting and modeling for a living can be a dangerous venture, but with the right tools and the right people on your side you can avoid the pitfalls and scams and move you into the right direction.