AC’s Best Humor Writers

Where would we be without our humor writers on Associated Content? We would be grumpier, more prone to illness and life would be much more dull. Not only is humor writing a very special talent, a daily dose of laughter has enormous health benefits, including improving our immune systems.

Individual sense of humor varies as we know, from English dry to Groucho slapstick and everything in-between. This list is by no means inclusive, but I have attempted to include a variety and have both esteem and appreciation for these writers and their humorous content. They are not in order of importance, humor is as humor does.

1. Allen Smith: A humor celebrity to grace Associate Content with his talent, Smith has appeared on NBC, published a book and has thus far received two Humor Press Awards. This comes as no surprise; except for the fact his awards are not more plentiful. It is difficult to pick a favorite, but Smith’s article, “Expelled from” is definitely a keeper. It is in the top 5 funniest things I have ever read. Bringing humor to true life events, with such engaging detail, is one of this writer’s incredible talents.

2. Ed Druckman: Deemed a humorist for the Web, Druckman does not cower at the controversial. Some of Druckman’s humor is subtle (or just plain out there) but it usually provokes a reaction, often laughter. His videos are my favorite and are good quality productions — better than some official newscasters, I should add. See how well he reports the news with, “More US Citizens Believe in Santa Claus than in White House Iraq Victory Plan.”

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3. Chris Berry: This very talented and funny writer and songwriter entertains with both humorous songs and stories based on true-life events. He first got my attention and gave me a great laugh with, “I Smoked My Christmas Dinner.”

4. Agaric: Who knew that historians could be funny? And sometimes Agaric’s humor is so convincing that some readers feel a disclaimer is needed, to state that his commentaries are indeed satire. See: “Coulter Devours Kitten.”

5. WC: A couple of months new to Associated Content, WC has written some very entertaining material, including humor pieces on celebrities and, of course, George Bush. Maybe humor writing should be his primary genre and he doesn’t realize it yet. It was hard to pick a favorite but to start try, “Gift Ideas for Losers.”

6. theBarefoot: Whether it is entertaining readers with his humor articles or getting Associated Content producers to giggle in the forum, Barefoot possess unique insight that makes people laugh. It must be his experience in “government consulting” that gives him this humorous edge. History will best remember this writer for his advice on how to make a woman “moist” in, “Relationships:What Women Really Want.”

7. Mike Hazelwood: Hazelwood would make a great neighbor or a good big brother. From advising you on how to tell if your neighbor is a terrorist to what not to say at a Chinese restaurant, Hazelwood offers some very funny and informative advice. See: “How to Tell if Your Neighbor Might Be a Terrorist.”

8. Judith Blakely: Blakely writes about unfortunate events in her life with humor and distinct wit. Not afraid to call herself an “idiot,” she is learning from her mistakes and maintains a humorous outlook about them. For starters see: “The Police in South Carolina, Why I Avoid that State like the Plague.

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9. Courtney November: November could be a mentor for many, “scorning traditional employment and preferring cats to kids.” A top Associated Content producer, she writes on a variety of topics including, of course, humor. Check out her advice with, “How to Write Your Own Jokes.”

10. Lee Andrew: Andrew should spend more time writing humorous articles with his talent but apparently he is too busy between “bull-fighting” and “heart surgery”. His articles are generally dedicated to sports and entertainment, but his humor articles are well worth a look. See: “The Spirit of Chrismukkah

And don’t forget the AC Humor Section for recently published material. The truth be known there are many writers at Associated Content with a good sense of humor, and plenty of talent, but most of their articles are in other genres. Their humor articles are often missed. So check the AC Humor Section often for a good laugh for the day, or when you wish to pass one on. Support your comedians, we need them.