Accuracy and Automaticity in Mathematics

It’s important that students become fluent in addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division. There are several different techniques that can be used to help students acquire these skills. Before students can begin to work with higher mathematics they must first become accurate and automatic in addition and subtraction.

When students learn basic addition and subtraction skills they will then be able to preform more complected math that requires a higher level of thinking. Without learning these basic skills, its nearly impossible for students to advance in mathematics. There are several basis facts that effect students mathematic skills. Students may have difficulty in mathematics, because they do not get to practice enough. Some students have difficulty with mathematics, because they are simply overwhelmed with the facts that are being presented to them. Sometimes students processed and memorizes some facts or parts of them, causing confusion and frustration.

When students are fluent with mathematic facts it should take them no longer than three seconds for them to solve the equation. Most students who are fluent are able to solve the equation in one second. However, not all students are able to solve equations in less than three seconds, because they are not fluent in these skills. This often happens when teachers use a stack of flash cards and require students to memorizes the facts on them. This also happens when teachers present to many facts at once, causing students to become overwhelmed and lost. Sometimes teachers try to cram too much information into a short session, and students are left with all kinds of information, but they are unsure what to do with it or how to use it.

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Teachers need to make sure that they provide their students with strategies that they can use to help them learn the math facts that the teacher is presenting. Teachers need to first teach students that each fact should not be treated as an isolated pieces of knowledge, but rather that each fact effects other facts. It’s also important that teachers connects facts, and mathematic strategies with visual representations. An example of this is using a number line to teach addition and subtraction skills. Students also need to be able to see how general facts can be used to form extended facts.

At the beginning of each unit and the beginning of the school year teachers should administer a pretest to students to check to see if students have already mastered the skill to be taught. Teachers can assume that students have mastered skills if they are able to complete the pretest in two minutes or less with 90% accuracy. This ends up being about three seconds or less per equation. Once students master one skill they should move on to the next skill and next unit.

Teachers should then use templates for visual representations of facts. This can be done by using a number line to teach subtraction. For example when teaching students to subtract three from five, the teacher can use the number line to show where five is, then move the marker back three spaces to find the answer. This will help students to remember the the subtraction process and a hands on example.

The third strategy that teachers should use is by using a easy and hard units that contain facts and operations. Teachers should use a cover sheet, practice sheet and extended facts sheet. The cover sheet should have facts and formulas in a box at the top of the page. Students should be given as much time as needed to complete this sheet. Following the cover sheet, the practices sheet. The practice sheet should be made up of both old and new facts, Students should have a set time that they need to complete this sheet in. Before moving on students need to be able to complete this in less than two minutes, with a 90% accuracy. Finally teachers should use an extended facts sheet. This sheet should be used to provide students with a generalized understanding of the facts. Students should be able to complete this sheet quickly, but not have a time limit.

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From third point the teacher needs to decide weather or not students need more or less practice with facts by assessing each students individual performance. The teacher should then identify the facts that are causing students the most trouble and create worksheets on only these facts, so that students can practice them more. The teacher will also need to review or reteach this facts. To help students build their accuracy and fluency with these facts they will need to be practiced and reviewed often.Subtraction Program

Below is a program that I have designed to help teach subtraction facts to 100. First I will administer a pretest about subtraction facts, so that I may find where each students stands. This will give me an idea where to start the lesson. Next I will give students templates that have visual representations, like a number line and ten frame. This will allow students to touch and see how the operation is preformed.

Next, I will use a mixture of easy and hard units. First, students will be given a cover sheet. This sheet will have a box at the top with facts and formulas. This sheet will be used to allow students to practice, students will be given as much time as they need to complete this sheet.

Next I will give students a practice sheet. Students will be given two minutes to complete this worksheet. Once a students can complete the worksheet in two minutes or less with a 90% or better accuracy they will be able to move onto the next level.

Finally, I will give students a extended facts sheet. This sheet will have more complex subtraction problems, such as 250-120. This sheet will give students a generalized understanding of subtraction facts. Students will be able to relate these facts with the previously practiced subtraction facts.

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By using the subtraction program that I have created students are given several chances to practice and learn subtraction facts. Each student will be aloud to work at their own pace. This will make it easier for students to learn subtraction with out pressure. I am firm and strong believer that students should be taught and treated like individuals. Therefore, I feel that students should be able to work at their own pace and own level.