ABC’s LOST Final Season 6

ABC’s LOST final season begins on February 2, 2010. This is a short summary of LOST’s previous five seasons.

How many time-lines are there in LOST? How many of these time-lines have knots and funnel wormholes? Imagine yourself connected to a certain time-line that ‘never was’ but you were able to recall your ‘previous’ life?

Is LOST a dramatic illustration of the multi-dimensional super-string theory or a tangled fish line that LOST fans have swallowed hook and sinker?

Intertwined time-lines that include pre-crash, post-crash and there-never-was-a-crash dimensional worlds. LOST’s characters trying to change the ‘past’ is the reason why there is not a single time-line description that would make any sense in a three dimensional mundane world.

Is the mysterious island of LOST a parable of the Micronesia atomic bombing? Did a nuclear explosion create a Minkowski donut from dilated super strings? The following is a very short summary of action events on LOST.

Flight Oceanic 815 crashed on a idiosyncratic tropical island where there is a smoke monster and bizarre events occur. The Others on the island tell the Oceanic survivors to stay away from their side of the island. John Locke blows up an underground hatch where Desmond has been living underground for three years pushing a button every 108 minutes. John takes over Desmond’s job of pushing the button every 108 minutes. One day John decides not to push the button. The sky lights up as if there was no stratosphere to block the sun’s radiation and the Hatch electromagnetically implodes on itself. Desmond survives the implosion but has acquired the ability of precognition.

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The Others are first perceived to be remnants of DHARMA, a science project to study the island weirdness but later it is revealed that the leader of the Others, Ben, had killed all of DHARMA, including his father with the help of an indigenous group called the Hostiles. The leader of the Hostiles, Ricardus appears ageless from the 1940′ to 2006.

A search and destroy hit squad is on mission to find the island and kill Ben but there is also a science team aboard. A confusing time displacement between the offshore freighter and the island is revealed. The sabotaged ship is blown up. Eight Losties escape the island and go back to the World but the general public is only aware of the six Oceanic 815 survivors and dub them the Oceanic Six.

The World that the island escapees have returned to is a time-line where the crashed plane was already found on the bottom of the ocean will all the passengers aboard having been found dead. The survivors who should be corpses in the World they have returned to lie about the eerie island and the rest of the other Oceanic 815 survivors to protect them from future assassin squads.

Meanwhile, there is a underground ice cavern on the mysterious island where Ben turns a frozen wagon wheel vanishes the island vanish and transports Ben to another time-place a half a world away from the island. The frozen wagon wheel is not latched down securely so whenever the wheel wiggles, a time shift forward or backward occurs for the left behind Losties on the island. With each new time shift, the health of the time-traveling islanders gets worse and worse. Soon, one by one they start bleeding out of their noses. When the frozen wagon wheel is finally locked it is 1974 and Ben is still a young boy.

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The time-traveling islanders realize what will happen and try to kill the young boy Ben. All attempts to change future-history fail. The time-traveling Losties become part of the 1974 DHARMA team. After three years the Oceanic Six return to the island 1974 time. A hydrogen bomb is exploded in the hopes to erase all future-history of the Oceanic 815 plane crash in 2004.

Are you confused yet? I am! To watch a short eight minute video recap of the first three seasons, go to “Complete video summary of LOST, seasons 1-3”. There is no short video recap for the entire five seasons as of yet. Hopefully the producer’s of LOST will air a recap show before the premiere of season six on February 2, 2010.

The LOST Island; Determinism, Free Will and Randomness.

What does choice mean? Every decision shapes which probabilities are most likely to occur but everything about yourself up to that moment influences your decisions moment to moment. Limited free will is the assumption that free will and determinism coexist. There are other philosophers who have argued that the concept of a limited free will is a cop-out because if there is an omnipresent god then no free will is possible and nor does randomness lead to free will. lost
