A Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Ended My Backyard Battle

Oh, we all love squirrels, don’t we? They’re cute and fuzzy, and oh so playful and entertaining. We love to observe their curious nature, that is, until they start messing with the bird feeder. Squirrels are persistent, and you may have noticed that they will go to great extremes to get to the lunch of our feathered friends. Can we really discourage them? Is it possible to squirrel proof a bird feeder?

When faced with on-going battle in my own backyard, my well-meaning neighbor informed me to simply put the birdfeeder where the squirrels can’t get to it. Now, may I ask, exactly where is it that a squirrel cannot get to? Ok, I could put the bird feeder inside, but then the birds couldn’t get to it, either. I needed another solution.

My first attempt was to fill my bird feeders with food that perhaps my squirrel friends wouldn’t find so tasty. I figured that one taste of something that they didn’t want would be enough to keep them away forever. Well, I was wrong. I do believe that it is a matter of pride for the squirrels to take the lunch from the birds. It was not a matter of taste. It really reminds me of my children when they were little. No, my son really didn’t want to play with the Barbie, but he sure didn’t want my daughter to have it. Therefore, he took it and would go to great lengths to accomplish that goal. Once those memories came to my forethought, I knew what I was up against in my backyard battle with the squirrels. It was time for something a bit more advanced.

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Enter, the squirrel proof bird feeder.

Many companies have designed squirrel proof bird feeders that really should be up for some sort of architectural award. Have you seen any of these bird feeders? My goodness, we have plastic domes and ones that need batteries… It is amazing!

My first attempt was a value-based decision. Ok, I wanted to be cheap about it. I purchased a fairly inexpensive bird feeder online and thought it was the answer to all my problems. That is, until the day the squirrels learned that although they may fall from the feeder, some seed would be spilled in the process. I watched in amazement (and in amusement) as these squirrels would leap at the feeder, knowing they would fall, but all to spill the birdseed on the ground. Those squirrels are smart!

I continued to research to arm myself with knowledge when I finally realized that it was going to take the credit card to win this war. I bought the best squirrel proof bird feeder I could find. I loaded it with seed that was not overly appealing to the squirrels, and I won!

Now, my squirrel proof bird feeder lets my feathered beauties eat in peace, and I throw seed on the ground for the squirrels. Thankfully, my backyard battle ended peacefully and we can all eat in harmony.
