A Social View of Global Warming: Problems and Solutions

This paper will look at the problems of global warming and the “greenhouse effect”. The paper will describe the problems of global warming and possible solutions to these problems. These problems include both ecological and social problems that are to be examined. Finally, this paper shows how scientists and political figures are torn on the importance and dangers of global warming.

Global warming is an issue that has been circulating politics and science for years. There has been much debate on if it is a problem, and if so, how it might be stopped. Fortunately, more and more scientists are beginning to see that global warming is a problem and the issue is currently in the stage of formalization. Sociologists may also look at the issue as a problem based on its impact on society. This paper will discuss what global warming is, how it might be handled, and the consequences of not handling the problem in time.

Global warming refers to the phenomenon of average world temperatures rising over a set of years. This rise in temperatures is due in part to the rising amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, mostly from factories and automobiles. A major reference to global warming is given in the term “greenhouse effect” which describes the way carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere and creates a roof through which light may pass in, but not out.

So what are some of the problems when dealing with the greenhouse effect and global warming? Ecologically speaking, the world will be changed in unexpected ways. A warming trend such as the one predicted (around 5 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century) would melt vast portions of polar ice caps, raising the sea level and flooding many low-lying regions in the world. Also, weather patterns would be changed. For example, the Great Plains, which is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world, would get so little rain that almost nothing would grow there.

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From the sociological standpoint, the flooding of low-lying areas such as Bangladesh would destroy large living areas for people. This would create migration to other cities, which would turn into overpopulating and fighting over scarce resources between two groups. Some scientists even go as far to say the global warming threatens our species. Not only would humanity be threatened, but other animals could have the possibility of extinction which creates a chain effect throughout the world.

Many proposals have been given on how to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the uncertainty of the problems extent makes the issue a difficult one to solve. Most proposals discuss cutting down emissions from automobiles and factories as the first step of the solution. Others claim that policy to stabilize atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide would be the most beneficial. However, this policy would cost excessive amounts of money and would put even more pressure on international cooperation. Timing is important as well, as many possible options would only help the current generations with no concern for future generations. This in itself is a problem.

Although the dangerous aspects of global warming are astounding, many scientists and political figures are in debate over the importance and dangers of global warming. Some would state that warming has happened in the past. While this is true, most scientists have started to accept that global warming is a problem. Society must find an answer that helps all generations and protects all species. This problem cannot be allowed to destroy the world.

Works Cited

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Macionis, John J. Social Problems. Pages 469-470. Pearson Education. New Jersey. 2008.

Orszag, Peter R. Issues in Climate Change. “Presentation for the CBO Conference on Climate Change”. 2007.