A Simple Money Spell

Wouldn’t it be nice that whenever you needed a little extra money if you could wave a magic wand and say a few words “Fehu Acquistio”, then have money rain down upon you?

Magic, unfortunately, does not work that way: it is not instantaneous, appears to be pure coincidence or just good luck, and requires a lot of training, practice, energy and focused attention.

But do not despair. While it takes years of hard work, study and dedication to become a Magus (Master Magician), to be able to understand and apply the hidden powers of the divine names, some techniques of magic can be learned and applied by anyone willing to experiment with the basic procedures of magic.

The core ideas behind the magic of wealth creation, of money magic, are easy to understand. The first is that it is not evil to desire enough money to meet one’s basic needs; this philosophy will be uncomfortable to those raised to believe that money is the root of all evil. Money, like most things in life, must be approached with an eye to balance and moderation: fear of money and success are barriers to manifesting wealth of any level; lust for money and riches above all else leads to imbalance and moral corruption. Moderation in the pursuit to wealth is key to living a fuller and richer life.

The second idea that is central to manifesting money, though the application of human will upon the forces of the universe, is that wealth itself is a form of energy.

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Wealth can be a mass of material goods or a large bank balance, but it does not have to manifest as such; it can take the form of a state of mind or a new form of creativity.

Furthermore, wealth energy is not constrained by the laws of conservation; wealth building is not a zero sum game where for every winner, there must be a loser.

Wealth energy can actually increase as money is passed from one person to another. For someone using active and willed intention, this increase can happen quickly as they go about living their daily life.

That is the key to the following simple money spell. Unlike many money spells used by Adepts, this spell requires no knowledge of any special symbolism to perform.

Material needed:

Lemon juice

Quill pen or a small (watercolor) paint brush

A dollar bill (or other paper monetary note) of the chosen denomination

It is suggested that one starts off with a small denomination for this simple spell; this will help relieve some of the anxiety and disbelief that may undermine the effectiveness of this spell.

Write the following sentence “I will this money to return to me tenfold” on the dollar bill with the lemon juice using the quill pen or paintbrush; for each letter written, recite the entire sentence out loud, “I will this money to return to me tenfold.”

Afterwards proceed to spend the money as you normally would. If you did the spell with enough confidence and intent, you should receive an influx of money many times its amount.