A Review of the Ghosts & Gravestones Trolley Tour in Savannah, Georgia

Savannah, Georgia is a city infamous for its ghostly history and if you want to get a small glimpse of it’s haunted past then it would be a wise bet to take the Ghosts & Gravestones Trolley Tour. The tour begins on the cobbled streets by the waterfront, where you board an old fashioned black trolley bus which is decorated on the inside with all kinds of skulls and ghostly paraphernalia. Our driver was a very untastefully dressed lady, looking as though she had just come directly from a funeral.

She started the tour by telling a whole bunch of terribly punny jokes that made me believe that the entire tour was going to be a disaster, but it very quickly picked up as we drove past the haunted locations and were regaled with the stories that matched the buildings. Some of the tales are a touch on the gruesome side, but not so bad that you couldn’t take the kids. We had our kids, aged 7 and 9 with us and they were fine with the whole thing, but it’s worth mentioning just in case you have children who are a little more sensitive to that type of thing.

The tour continued o in similar vein for about 45 minutes until we arrived at the Sorrel Weed House, an extremely haunted location that was featured a couple of years ago on the Halloween special of Sc-Fi Channels “Ghost Hunters.” It’s here that you are taken from the trolley and given a guided tour of the interior of the home. It’s an incredibly spooky place and was actually the reason I decided to go on this particular tour after seeing the TV show. There are a couple of great stories told about the history of the home and two incredibly effective scares that had us all jumping out of our skins. I won’t spoil it by telling you, but again must state that one of these scares in particular may really frighten some little ones.

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We were allowed to look around the home and photograph as much as we wanted, for about 15 minutes, then it was back on the trolley to finish up the tour which ended with another great scare, although this one was more funny than creepy and had the entire group laughing pretty hard.

During the off-season there are two tours each night at 7 and 9 pm and, unfortunately I can’t be sure of the prices as the tickets were bought as a birthday gift for me, but I’m sure all that info will be on their website which I have attached to this article.

All in all a fun family night out for fans of ghosts and the paranormal, as well as those just looking for a fun way to pass an hour or so.
