A Review of Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky

A review of Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky, begins with the recognition that Murray is a public institution of higher learning that comes under the control and ultimate direction of the state government of Kentucky . Unlike some state universities, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky is one of the most prestigious schools in the state and is nationally ranked as among the best public institutions in the nation. You will not often hear much about Murray State University outside of the state or certainly outside the region, because of its size and location. But clearly a review of Murray State University,Murray, Kentucky is well worth your while.

The Colleges of Murray State University

Like many universities across the country, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky is divided into academic colleges each providing for the study of a diversity of majors which are suited to the college discipline. At Murray State University , Murray, Kentucky there are five such colleges from which undergraduates can choose. Education, Business, Health, Humanities and the Fine Arts and Sciences.

Across college lines there are wonderful opportunities to pick and choose to establish the kind of program of studies that suits your abilities and goals. A school that offers Nursing, Theater and Dance and Geoscienes is likely to meet the academic tastes of almost any student.

Murray is also nationally recognized for providing some of the best online education in the nation. If you like what you see at Murray State but your situation precludes on campus participation, it can be helpful to know just how well known and ranked Murray State University on line educational opportunities really are. .

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Who Goes to Murray State University?

Because Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky is considered the state’s honors college you can already assume that most of those students who attend Murray come from solid high school academic backgrounds and are on campus to learn. There is a competitive admission policy followed by a wonderful opportunity to spend four years studying with students who really want to get a great college education.

A review of Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky reveals that Murray has about 8,600 undergrads on studying on campus. Of that number about 60% are females. Even though Murray State University is a state college nearly a third of the undergrads who come to Murray come from outside the state. This allows Murray to claim a diversity that far exceeds what exists in many state colleges in the U. S.

The variety of student profiles that appear at Murray include approximately 6% African American students and 3% international students. All but 7 U. S. states are represented here and more than 50 nations send undergraduates to Murray, Kentucky for their undergraduate education. The bottom line is that students who are admitted to Murray State University will not be going to the single most diverse school in the nation but they will find that a state university can provide a sufficiently diverse student body to be considered an enrichment factor.

Can Murray State University Compete Athletically?

When your school is located in thoroughbred country then don’t be surprised if you go to Murray State that the sports teams here are called the “Racers”. Murray State competes in interscholastic athletics in the NCAA as part of the Ohio Valley Conference. It has scheduled competitions in more than 20 men’s and women’s sports. Murray State has a national reputation in both men’s and women’s rifle competition with several recent team and individual championships. There is plenty of interscholastic seasonal sports action on campus for spectators but there are also lots of opportunities for non-varsity athletes to enjoy “friendly competition” on campus too.

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At Murray College depending on your level of interest and your personal schedule you can get involved in Sports Clubs, Intra murals, and fitness program taking advantage of all of the on campus athletic equipment and facilities that meet your needs. Swimming pool, tennis courts, weight room, state of the art gym are all available and can really make a difference in the way you stay fit and ready to meet college head on day after day.

From the Parents Point of View

Sure your parents want students to pursue their academic dreams, make great friends and find lots to do on campus but the bottom line sometimes for parents has to be the cost of education. Not everyone can afford Harvard. But if you have a school like Murray State College that is a state institution there may be a way to get an Ivy type education, working among honors students, that is actually affordable and won’t leave you connected to your college loans at the hip for the rest of your life. A state supported education, like the one available at Murray State College offers you exactly that opportunity.

Believe it or not there is a bottom line below the financial bottom line, one that is in the minds of parents more and more today. Parents want to believe that when they send their children off to complete a college education that while they are there, not only will they get a good education but that they will also come home safe and sound. That’s why Murray State University is a school you really want to take a look at. Of colleges and universities in the U. S. Murray State University is ranked as the 11th safest school you can attend.

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Cradled as it were in the comfort zone of the small, safe town of Murray, Kentucky , Murray State University is worthy of your further review.
