A Natural Remedy for Fighting Allergies: Fenugreek & Thyme by Nature’s Sunshine

Do you have allergies? Do you have suffer from sinus backup, ear aches and all of that fun stuff? Do you have problems with the normal over the counter medications and the prescription medications for allergies? Do you want to try something natural that will give you some relief with little to no side effects at all? Then you are like me and you should switch to Fenugreek & Thyme by Nature’s Sunshine.

First, I know you might be asking what is Fenugreek? It is a flower. It has many beneficial components in that can help your sinuses and ear aches that are associated with sinus backup.

Fenugreek is one of the oldest plants that has been recorded as having medicinal purpuposes. It is used for patients with allergies, asthma, sinus problems, and respiratory discomfort. It aides the body in getting rid of mucous, working as an expectorant. It can also soothe the membranes of sinuses.

Besides allergies and sinus, fenugreek can help ulcers, stomach inflammation and headaches. As well as possibly aid in stopping snoring.

The two most common side effects of fenugreek are gas and diarrhea.

A note here, you shouldn’t use fenugreek if you are pregnant or allergic to peanuts.

Now for the Thyme in this wonderful pill.

Thyme is of course a flower, too. Which is funny, because thyme has been known to help hay fever for a long time, now.

Thyme also helps with inflammation and swelling (which is great for me because my allergies actually causes my face to swell at times). Thyme can also help fight infection, dries mucous membranes, and is known to help watery eyes.

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The only main side effect of thyme is coughing. But since this product also contains fenugreek which helps prevent coughing it is no problem for me.

I am quite pleased with this product. I buy it at our local health food store. It costs $14.15 before tax. The dosage is 2 capsules 2 times a day. I usually take only a single dose at a time twice a day.

As for side effects, I have been lucky and haven’t had any. I have had a few more bowel movements. But this was actually a good thing for me. It never produced diarrhea or any excess gas on my stomach.

Since I suffer from allergies all year long, this is a product I use all year. I take more of it when my allergies are at their worse and less when they are not quite as bad.

The main reason I switched to a natural product is all the stimulants in the over counter and prescription brands. The stimulants made my heart race. This was a feeling I did not like. But I also do not like the headache that my allergy headaches bring on to me. My solution was Nature’s Sunshine, Fenugreek & Thyme.

I choose Nature’s Sunshine because I knew this was a natural brand with a good reputation that has been around for a long time now.