A Look at Wal-Mart’s $4 Drug Plan

Wal-Mart’s 4$ Prescription program continues to grow. With the list of drugs available now at 360 most of the more common maladies troubling the masses can be addressed for the sum total of $4 a month. This is truly a break through in reducing the cost of good quality medical treatment.

Understand this is not a program that is only available to seniors or people on Social Security, this program is available to everyone. Also this is not part of Medicare Part D, this program is automatic, and requires no paper work. It merely reduces the cost of the medications.

They are not passing on a higher percentage to your insurance provider, the true cost of this immense amount of medication is absolutely only $4 for a 30 day quantity.

Diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol usually can be controlled by something on this list. There are also medications for pain, infection and others to numerous to list.

To see the full list just go to www.walmart.com/pharnacy and you can find all the information you will need to benefit from this program.

You can still use your insurance with prescription benefits to pay a portion of the cost. If your plan pays 80% with you liable for 20%, your out of pocket cost will be $0.80. That’s right, only 80 cents.

With the ability to phone in your refill requests, how can it be more convenient. If your out of refills, they will even contact your Doctor to get authorization for more refills.

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In the past, such drugs as Metformin, (Diabetes) or Lisinopril (High Blood Pressure) were priced at about $14 each at Wal-Mart. When being treated for a number of issues it wasn’t hard to have a prescription bill of $100 a month, that’s $1,200 a year. With other medical expenses running ridiculously high, this extra amount may mean the difference between getting proper nutrition or opting for medication instead.

Wal-Mart claims they are still making a profit at these prices, as anti-trust laws would prohibit them from selling drugs at a lose. This makes a powerful statement as to what the profit margin has been with the much higher prices being charged by other pharmacies.

Print off the list of medications, talk to your Doctor, stress the financial importance of treating your ailments with medications contained on the list, if at all possible.

Drug salesmen will try to pressure Doctors to prescribe the latest and greatest, when Generic drugs are required by law to contain the exact same ingredients.

This is a first and significant step in reining in the cost of medical treatment in this country. Thank you Wal-Mart, for a job well done.

Now if they would take over our hospitals, and help get us in line with the rest of the world as far as the reasonable cost of medical treatment.