A Look at Godzilla 1985

In the early 1980s the world had seen Godzilla grow from the original film in the 1950s where he was an unstoppable menace to a laughable hero in the 1970s. When the world was treated to Godzilla 1985 the film once again established the giant creature as a fearsome destructive force. while the film was bashed by critics it remains one of the most popular to true fans.

The movie starts off giving us only a glimpse of Godzilla as he attacks a large fishing boat and a Russian nuclear submarine. The attack of the submarine gets the whole world into a panic as the Russians blame the Americans and threaten to start a nuclear war because after all it is 1985. It is only when one of the sailors from the fishing vessel is found alive that it is revealed that Godzilla was in fact to blame for the attack.

It isn’t long before Godzilla makes his way back to mainland Japan coming to shore long enough to destroy a nuclear reactor before heading back out to sea. A group of scientists realize that he coming to feed off of radioactive material and that the sound a flock of birds led him back out to sea. This information would prove to be useful later in the film.

With countries now on alert the military has made preparations to do anything necessary to stop Godzilla. The next time we see the beast he is heading towards Tokyo Bay as Japan’s Naval and Air Force do their best to stop him but are easily destroyed in the process. Once ashore he immediately creates a large path of destruction causing fear and panic throughout the world. The Russians are threatening to launch a nuclear missle if the Japanese are unable to find a way to stop Godzilla.

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The Japanese roll out a secret aircraft known as the Super X complete with all the most modern weaponry available in 1985. The craft armed with missles designed to be fired into Godzilla’s mouth to put him down. After flares are fired to distract the creature the missles find their mark and are a success as Godzilla falls against a building. After celebration they realize that the Russians have already fired a nuclear missle towards the area. Fortunately for the Japanese the Americans are able to shoot it down. Unfortunately the nuclear mist caused by the explosion awakens Godzilla who then proceeds to destroy the unexpecting Super X.

While Godzilla had been destroying the city a group of scientist had developed a plan to lure the big green beast towards a volcano using amplified bird sounds. The plan is a success as we see Godzilla fall to his doom into the fiery volcano. While the film has its flaws it remains one of the better ones in the collection. If your a fan of monster movies I highly recommend checking this one out.

Source(s) – http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19850920/REVIEWS/509200302/1023 , http://www.stomptokyo.com/movies/godzilla-1985.html
