A Legitimate No Scam Work at Home Company

I have been looking online for quite some time now to see if there is any kind of legitimate work at home companies. In almost all cases, except for maybe very few, I have found these programs are nothing more than frauds. In today’s economy where so many have lost jobs and everyone is looking to make money, online scammers are blooming more and more.

It is sad to read about so many people falling for these scams and losing a lot of money. Any website that offers you to stuff envelopes is 100% illegitimate. I checked once with the Better Business Bureau and that is exactly what they told me.

Any website offering work at home, always requires an upfront fee, which then is lost forever. Many times, it is impossible to get in touch with the company even if they put a number on the website. You may be able to fight this or get your money back if you paid with a credit card. That will be after a lot of hard work and effort on your part.

The sad thing is that, many of these scammers are never caught. You may not think that even $5 or $20 is a lot of money for someone to ask for. If these people are getting these fees from hundreds and thousands of people, those small amounts add up fast for them and they are the ones making money. Before signing up for anything, you can and should always check with the Better Business Bureau.

Just last night I saw a convincing website of a mother in my hometown who was making about $6000 – $7000 a month. They make up stories and say that this mother lost her job months ago and now is doing well with this company. As I did more research, I found out that this mother not only lives in my hometown, but also lives in different parts of the United States. She goes by a certain name. How could the same person live in many places at one time? Then I went on to read how so many people lost a lot of money because they really believed this company was telling the truth.

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In my search, I did find something that was very legitimate. A friend of mine also confirmed this for me. It is writing online articles. For the past couple of years, I have been a contributor for Associated Content, now called Yahoo Contributor Network.

I could not believe how simple it was to sign up and best of all, they did not require any upfront payment. I probably would not have signed up if they did. The other thing that attracted me very much to this was that I did not need my own website. All you have to do is write articles in Word, and copy and paste it into this website. It is as easy as it sounds.

The money that you can make on this site is unlimited. You get paid when people read your articles. I have a full time job, so I do not have time to sit at a computer all day and write tons of articles. There are people that do, and if you write on very hot topics, you can easily get hundreds or thousands of viewers in a day. At the end of the month, that could add up to a decent amount of money. You also get upfront payment for certain articles besides getting paid for the traffic that you generate.

It may take some time for you to build up your own library of content, but you can start making money right away. I have published over 500 articles, and I am not making what I would like to yet. You can write even two or three articles and draw thousands of viewers, depending on your topic. I usually write about things that interest me. In some cases, I fail to write about a real hot topic simply because I do not have too much interest in it. I realize after that I could be getting a ton of viewers if I had just put a little effort into it.

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For more information on how this works, visit www. associatedcontent.com. If you decide to do this full time, you can make out well. If you have a job already like me, and just want to earn a little extra money, this will work too. The extra cash comes in handy at the end of the month. Usually I pay for my lunches at the school that I teach at.

Don’t get involved with all these other scams. Always check with the Better Business Bureau before sending anyone money. I can assure you that you will not lose anything with Associated Content. You can only profit by this.
