A Haunting, Featuring the Dartford Cemetery

I am a huge fan of the Discovery Channel’s TV show “A Haunting.” The show is in the top 10 shows for my TIVO to record. I’ve always loved ghost stories, but I make a point not to watch the show too late at night. The show has a spooky host walking you through a real life ghost story. A Haunting” reminds me of “Unsolved Mysteries” with its reenactments, plus first-hand accounts from the people who experienced the horror. I will honestly admit the show does a great job of creeping me out!

The most recent episode was called “Legend Trippers.” Three brave teenagers take it upon themselves to investigate their town’s local legend. A “Legend Tripper” is someone who casually investigates alleged haunted places so they can decide for themselves if it is haunted.

The teens go to “Dartford Cemetery” which is located in Greenlake, Wisconsin. Legend has it that if you sit upon the top of the mausoleum a ghost will push you off. Yeah, sure let’s go there! I think not!

The show starts off with some teens sneaking into the cemetery late one night. They take a peek at an Indian grave first. According to the website featured on the show “Unexplained Research” apparitions of an Indian chief have been known to repeatedly appear. The teens climb upon the mausoleum and then start to tell the story of what happened on Halloween to some teens from their school.

The story: A teen, Nick gets online in search of something fun for him and his friends to do on Halloween night. He comes across the website “Unexplained Research” which has a list of supposed haunted places in Wisconsin. He decides to go to “Dartford Cemetery”. This “Legend Trip” has a dare which is something the seeker must do in order to prompt the super natural occurrence. This dare is to sit on top of the mausoleum. So, of course Nick and his friends (John & Christian) decide to take the dare.

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The fact simple that these boys are walking through a cemetery at night on Halloween is creepy enough for me. They walk around the cemetery and try to provoke a ghost to come out. But nothing happens except one guy playing a joke on another. They do climb upon the mausoleum and after awhile they see a crack. This scares them since it wasn’t there before. They climb down and before John can get down he is pushed. He yells telling his friends someone just pushed him! The two other guys are shocked since they didn’t even tell their friend about the legend for fear he’d be too scared to join them. Nick heads back to the car with John since he’s a little more than freaked out. The other guy Christian, though wants to check things out a little more. Brave guy, right? I guess they didn’t remember one of the major rules of horror movies. NEVER SPLIT UP!

More and more spooky things keep each happening to each of the boys like names and dates changing on tomb stones & seeing people. The confused and scared boys head home not speaking of what they saw. Only later after Nick has a dream about the cemetery they decide to talk about it. The story passes from one teller to the next.

The show returns to the original teens who were checking out “Dartford Cemetery” and I feel their experience was VERY creepy. Evil seems to follow them outside the cemetery!

I am sure this show will draw a lot of people to be one of the many Legend Trippers. But Nick and his friends will never return! I personally don’t blame them.

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The show also showed information on another haunted location called “Witch Road” which is located in Rosendale, Wisconsin. You can find more information on Witch road at “Unexplained Research”.

Want to go check it out for yourself? Hop over to MapQuest and plan your trip. Just please don’t invite me along!
