A Gypsy’s Crystal Ball – is Mind Reading Real or Fake?

Educated guess? Yes. I believe anyone can make an educated guess at anything. Everyone in this world is trying to express themselves in some way, every day. Anyone with one of their five senses in working order can pick up on these expressions. The mind-reader makes an educated guess that isn’t too far off base, instantly stunning the person whose mind they are reading. Using these covert tactics, the mind-reader can inevitably gather more information from this person without them realizing they are giving information that creates a basis for the mind-reader to make educated guesses.

Everyone wants to believe that impossible things can, in fact, become possible under certain circumstances. Who didn’t want to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy? These are imaginary characters that are planted inside our minds by our own parents. The need to believe in magical and miracle situations begin in early childhood.

These ideas manifest other ideas, inside the mind, and create reasons to believe in things that seem impossible. Mind-readers manipulate these reasons, and make their work seem miraculous. In all reality, reading someone’s mind is impossible by just looking at them. The mind-reader is simply drawing conclusions from a person’s self-expression and taking leads from this person’s initial response to them. If the mind-reader says things are foggy, they realize the person whose mind they are trying to read does not believe, therefore they forfeit and blame it on the person’s closed-mindedness in order to avoid becoming vulnerable to the people who doubt them.

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Mind-readers prey on people who are vulnerable and weak in this life. I see mind-readers as people who tend to victimize people who have spent most of their lives victimized or depressed, only to make money or become empowered. Mind-readers are fake, cowardly, and greedy. Mind-reading is impossible, and the only mind-reader in existence is God. Anyone who believes otherwise is committing a mortal sin, and is blasphemous.