A Guide to Vacationing in Bermuda

Pink beaches and turquoise water anyone? This is what you’ll find when you visit beautiful Bermuda. As a travel agent, I have had the opportunity to visit this amazing destination myself and briefly considered relocating there permanently. When you visit Bermuda you may be staying for a couple of days or a few weeks; either way you should take a few things into consideration. Flights, hotels, attractions, the season, and local customs are all going to impact what kind of trip you have.

Getting to Bermuda is really fairly easy. You’ll find flights from many major U.S. airports. You can choose from Delta, Jet Blue, and American Airlines to name a few. Of course traveling to Bermuda by sea is also a popular choice. Many visitors arrive on cruise ships. Private yachts are also an option if you don’t mind spending the money. Of course, you will need all proper documentation whether you fly or cruise; passports and photo id etc..
Always make a copy of these documents and keep them with you at all times when traveling.

Where to stay is the toughest choice you’ll have while in Bermuda. You will find everything from apartments, to small hotels, to luxury resorts. Really the place you stay while visiting should reflect what you are interested in doing. Elbow Beach resort is absolute luxury and extremely private; rooms start around $450 per night. If you would like something a little more economical take a peak at Pompano Beach Resort. You’ll find rooms starting at around $300 per night and you’re still going to find yourself right on the beach. Of course you by shopping around you can find bigger discounts. You normally will get what you pay for. If you don’t mind walking to the beach or skipping the golf course you will find larger discounts.

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The season you choose is critical. Normally, hurricane season in the Atlantic ranges from August to November. You can of course visit during this time, however if you choose to do so then make sure your hotel will completely refund your money in the event of a hurricane. Most will, but it is best to be 100% clear on this before paying. Often, visiting during this season will save a lot of money, just be aware of the risks involved.

Finding things to do in Bermuda isn’t difficult. Beach activities, wildlife tours, museums, fine dining, golf, and spa days are all popular for tourists. If you have the opportunity, the Dockyard is really interesting. You’ll find shopping and dining, you can swim with dolphins, or visit the Maritime Museum. If you are a fan of wildlife then a stop at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute is well worth the time. If you’re looking for some great nightlife, you will find everything from exclusive clubs such as The Cellar to The Hog Penny Pub.

Things to avoid while in Bermuda? Really, there aren’t many. Often when visiting other areas, tourists must take caution to avoid certain areas, foods, or even people that pray on unsuspecting tourists. Bermuda is beautiful and while visiting, I have never encountered any of these problems. To my knowledge, there are no slums to speak of, the food is safe to consume, and most locals were extremely friendly and helpful. If anything, just follow the same safety tips you would in any situation and respect the local laws and customs.