A Gastric Bypass Surgery Success Story

This is an account of my experience with gastric bypass surgery. While researching for this surgery I found it so helpful to read, read ,and then read some more about other surgery patients. Both the success stories and the failures! My experience has been one of the success stories and I am happy to share it with anyone who is considering this surgery.

Let me start with my background. I battled with my weight all my life. I was always a bit on the chubby size! As I grew older so did my waistline grow, consequently my ability to stick to a diet long enough to actually make a difference also waned. I knew my poor eating habits was also having a dramatic effect on my health. My blood pressure was very high and hard to control. My cholesterol was off the charts. I was always tired and being a new grandma I really wanted to be able to get down on the floor and play with my granddaughter.

After lots of research, which included seeking out someone at work who had the surgery, speaking to numerous doctors ( surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons as well as general practitioners) and web searches I decided this was for me!

The process began with a Seminar held by the group of surgeons I had decided to go with. This was very informative and encouraging. Next was a personal consult with the surgeon where the entire process, both pre-op and post-op was explained. After all required testing, medical consults, insurance approval, and mental preparation I had my surgery.

It was a three day stay in the hospital which was par for the course and basically uneventful. I returned home to recuperate and took 2 weeks off from work. I was quite tired but grateful I had researched this surgery and understood my lack of energy was only temporary. I joined a support group on-line and once my energy level allowed I went back to work full time and started a support group at my workplace. It was surprising to me just how many people, both men and women had this surgery or were considering it. We shared recipes, swapped stories of our mental battles with this life changing surgery, and generally supported each other in anyway we could.

See also  Dumping Syndrome Can Cause Low Blood Sugar in Gastric Bypass Recipients

My health issues cleared immediately. By the time my 3 week follow up rolled around I was no longer taking the three medications to control my blood pressure! Blood work showed my cholesterol numbers were perfect! The first time in 30 years! My asthma was under control and I actually felt well rested after sleeping through the night. I do not mean to understate the difficult moments during the recuperation period. Which for me was a good year. I did reach my goal weight loss at the seven month mark but the lasting life changes took a bit longer to become second nature. I have found that eating small portions frequently is very important as well as focusing on protein. I now eat to nourish my body first and foremost.

Almost two and a half years later I AM HEALTHY!!! And the icing on the cake (sorry I just couldn’t help myself with that one) is that I have gone from a size 2X down to a size 8! I look good and feel even better! My confidence level has skyrocketed as well as my love of cute shoes! I take 2 vitamins every morning, make my breakfast and lunch (both high in protein) every day and off I go in my cute little kitten pumps to face the world with a new attitude and love of life.