A Funny Love Story

“Annie, look that guy. Isn’t he cute”, said her friend Tania. I wish I could date him, but seeing any guy stare at me my heart starts thumping and when I prepare myself to talk, every word seems to be like a tongue twister” said Annie. To solve this problem you can apply the chatting therapy which has made me the biggest flirt in the school.You just need to log on to internet and then you can have your pick on any guy who sounds interesting”,advised her friend.

After the dinner,Annnie was seen sitting infront of her computer ,with her heart hammering as the screen showed a whole list of guy’s names she would propose to chat.She did not want to run away from her problem,but knew her trembling fingers would type words from which she herself would be unknown.At this dark moment,the bulb glowed-she thought of pretending to be a boy and when she gets more comfortable with this therapy she will switch to chatting as a girl.To execute this plan she retyped her I.D as “Cool Dude”. A girlish I.D called ‘Pooja’appeared on the screen and clicking on to it,she began her chatting therapy.She unfolded the paper her friend Tania had given which contained all the shortforms and other chatting details.Seeing to this she typed her first word:

Cool Dude: ASL
Pooja: 20fKolkata & urs
Cool Dude: samemsame
Pooja: It was good to see the side common, but even better to see the one
between different.
Cool Dude: LOLZ. Do you feel easy with guys?(Typing this Annie kicks
herself for pressing Enter)
Pooja: Absolutely and u
Cool Dude: Bunk it…

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The next day
Cool Dude: Hi, how was your day?
Pooja: Our team lost the basketball match and ur’s
Cool Dude: Never better- I won the painting competition.
Pooja: I ask for a treat.
Cool Dude: Some other day as I broke after treating Tania, Sonia and
Amrita (Annie pinches herself for this mistake).
Pooja: So you have lots of girlfriends(Annie heaves a sigh of relief and says ‘Thank God’).
Cool Dude: Nothing as such they are just friends…
After a week
Cool Dude: Watz up!
Pooja: Ceiling
Cool Dude: Lolz
Pooja: After a week I think we should start to know more of each other. So let’s start by knowing your proper name. My is Sweety.
Annie then racks her to find a suitable boyish name-Ram-na,Ganesh-na,Prithviraj-na. Can’t I think a good name. ‘Mein Prem Ki Diwani Hoon’.OH YES!
Cool Dude: Prem…

After a month Annie feels that the time has come when she should start chatting as a gal. It really disheartens her to know that she has to spill the beans and admit the truth to her one month long net pal Sweety. She decides to do this in person.
Cool Dude: it’s raining heaven’s hard.
Pooja: It is a best time for love to blossom.
Cool Dude: I want to say something but it would be better if I meet you in person.
Pooja: I had also wanted to say you something. So let’s fix a date.
(Annie feared that Sweety might have fallen in love with Prem).
Cool Dude; Let’s make it today itself.We are meeting at 3 p.m in the front gate of Victoria Memorial and I would be carrying a Donald Duck shaped umbrella.
Pooja: Done! I will be wearing a black coloured raincoat.

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At quarter to 3 p.m, Annie arrives at the main gate of Victoria Memorial and protecting her from rain was her Donald Duck shaped umbrella. When Annie’s watch showed 3 p.m, a figure wearing a black raincoat was seen coming towards her. When the figure stopped at few yards away from her, Annie received the biggest jolt of her life for standing in front of her was a guy. The gal introduced herself as Prem and the guy as Sweety and it took sometime to clear the confusion. Sweety or to be correct the guy was having the same problem as Annie but with girls, and did as she did in her chatting therapy but by pretending to be girl. Annie felt comfortable with the guy sharing same problem and vice versa and they had a long talk. This meeting resulted in several dates and kindled a true love between the two.

Some pairs are made in heaven, but some unusual pairs are made through Internet.