A Few Natural Ways to Help Acne

I think almost everyone has experienced acne at one point in their life or another. Whether you are an adult or a teenager it can be painful, annoying, and sometimes embarrassing. What is even worse is sometimes over the counter creams and medicines don’t work. When these things happen you might want to take a more natural approach to healing or at least soothing your acne problems. This article is focused on a few different natural approaches to do exactly that.

1. First and foremost make sure you are taking the proper vitamin and mineral supplements. At least something like Centrum would be really good, because you have no idea how many times acne problems can stem up just from not getting enough vitamins.

2. This tip I have heard for years and I personally think that it works great. Apply a little bit of toothpaste to each one of your pimples every night and wash it off in the morning. This is very effective and can get rid of the pimples in just a few days.

3. If you wear makeup always remove it at night before you go to sleep, and also make sure to properly clean your face so that you don’t leave any residue from the makeup. That stuff will clog up your pores very quickly!

4. Also applying fresh squeezed lemon juice on the affected areas each night before bed will help too. Just don’t forget to rinse it off when you wake up because you don’t want to worsen the problem.

5. You can also apply a paste made out of blended cucumber for about half an hour and then rinse it off. This will help prevent more acne.

See also  Brewer's Yeast for Acne Problems

6. Rubbing fresh garlic on and around acne spots and pimples will really help it. Just leave it for a few minutes and rinse it off, you will start to tell a difference in a couple of days.

7. A very important part in preventing acne is a healthy diet. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid foods like chocolate, foods that are made with refined sugar, or fried food especially the really greasy kind.

8. A simple way to help with getting rid of acne is baking soda. Baking soda is really easy to find and relatively inexpensive just mix water and baking soda together until it makes a paste like substance and rub it on.

9. A sort of difficult but very effective way in getting rid of acne is a juice fast. During a juice fast your body is cleansed of a lot of it’s toxins including the ones that cause acne. Of course I don’t think your supposed to do it for more than a day or so at a time.

In closing I hope that this as provided you with some valuable information to help treat your acne from home, naturally. Of course since everyone is different these will all work on everyone in a different way. Try them out and see if you find one that helps!