A Do it Yourself Pizza Buffet

Pizza is a great item for all parties. Kids and adults love it. A pizza buffet will be a great idea for any party, and they are fairly simple to do. You have a couple of different options for serving, and you can add any topping variety you would like.

For both of the options I will be providing, you will need a few condiments for your guests. Set them on a separate table. Take them out of there original containers, and place them in nice serving dishes.

Condiments you may want to provide:

Prepared Pizza Buffet:

A prepared pizza buffet is when you prepare the pizzas, and then serve to your guests. This is a simple way to serve a large crowd of people. It also provides something different, how many pizza buffets have you been to a someones home?

You will first need your ingredients. You can purchase prepared pizza dough from your local grocer, or make your own. Decide on the toppings you would like to offer. You can let people decide there toppings, or you can have a few different varieties of your choice. You will also need sauce, and a few pizza pans.

Topping Ideas:

  • Hamburger
  • Pepperoni
  • Sausage
  • Cheese( a couple of different types)
  • Mushroom
  • Vegetables(onions, peppers, etc.)

These are simple toppings. You may want to offer more interesting toppings for your guests, or have them suite your party theme.

Prepare your crusts before the party. Do not cook them, but roll a few out and cover with sauce. If you are just making a few with your topping choices, you can place your toppings on. If you are allowing guests to choose the toppings, just prepare the crust and sauce.

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When your guests start arriving, place a couple of pizzas in your oven. If you are allowing them to pick toppings, ask them for there choices before cooking. Allow them to cook and serve. You can then place a couple more pizzas in the oven for cooking.

You can keep them warm with a small heat lamp. Check for local rentals in your area. I have found them as low as $25 a day.

You may want to provide small salads, bread sticks, or other snacks.

Make Your Own Mini Pizza Buffet:

This is a very fun, and different idea. It works well with adults, but kids love this. You will basically be allowing your guests to prepare there own individual pizzas. This will take a lot of time off your hands as well.

You will first need a table set up close to an outlet. The table should be large enough for a toaster oven, and your topping. You can also have a couple of tables, if it is easier for you.

Decide the direction you would like your gusts to serve themselves in, and prepare your table. It should start with small pizza crusts, or muffins. The sauce should follow. You should then have all topping options in separate bowels, and finally the toaster oven. You can use any toppings you would like.

Now you will let your guests serve themselves. You should be close for the first few guests, in case they need any help. There should also be adult supervision for children. You do not want any children burning themselves on the oven.

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Have a spatula, plates, and utensils conveniently located for your guests use.

Both of these options are great for any party or get together. I honestly think the second option is much easier, but both are fun. Be creative with your pizza buffet, and make it a party they will never forget.